দুর্নীতি মামলার চাপ, দুই ছেলের মধ্যে রাজনৈতিক আধিপত্য প্রতিষ্ঠার লড়াইয়ের জের? অবসাদে ভুগছেন লালু, জানালেন রিমস ডিরেক্টর
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বাইক কিনতে আবশ্যিক ড্রাইভিং লাইসেন্স, নির্দেশিকার উপর অন্তর্বর্তী স্থগিতাদেশ হাইকোর্টের
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দুর্নীতি মামলার চাপ, দুই ছেলের মধ্যে রাজনৈতিক আধিপত্য প্রতিষ্ঠার লড়াইয়ের জের? অবসাদে ভুগছেন লালু, জানালেন রিমস ডিরেক্টর
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গেঁওখালিতে নদীতে ডুবে গেল বাংলাদেশগামী বার্জ, ঘটনার কথা জানালেন নাবিক
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OnePlus 6T to come with an in-display fingerprint sensor; could launch on October 17
OnePlus has officially confirmed the existence of the 6T in an email to CNET and has also revealed that the upcoming phone will include an in-display fingerprint sensor. This fingerprint sensor will be similar to that on Vivo V11 Pro. It will get activated when called for, and light up, followed by the unlocking procedure. […]
The post OnePlus 6T to come with an in-display fingerprint sensor; could launch on October 17 appeared first on Smartprix Bytes.
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India vs England, Live Cricket Score, 5th Test, Day 5 at The Oval: Rahane, Rahul Look to Put Up a Fight Against England Bowlers
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ফের বেলেঘাটা আইডি হাসপাতালে বিনামূল্যের ডায়ালিসিস পরিষেবা বন্ধ রাখার অভিযোগ
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পড়ুয়া ও আচার্যকে বাদ দিয়েই সমাবর্তন প্রেসিডেন্সি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের,সাম্মানিক ডি-লিট প্রদান সৌমিত্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়কে
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Mansi Joshi Stars as India Register Dominant Win against Sri Lanka in First ODI
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ছবির নায়ক নায়িকা দুজনেই বাঙালি, দেখুন জালেবি-র ট্রেলার
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কাশ্মীরে নিরাপত্তাবাহিনীর সঙ্গে সংঘর্ষে হত ২ লস্কর জঙ্গি
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কাশ্মীরে নিরাপত্তাবাহিনীর সঙ্গে সংঘর্ষে হত ২ লস্কর জঙ্গি
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জায়গা ভরানো খবর নয়। বাছাই করা সেরা খবর। সবার জন্য সব খবর, ফটাফট
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একাধিক পানশালার মালিক জগজিত্ সিংহকে সল্টলেকের ইডি দফতরে হাজিরার নির্দেশ
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ছবির নায়ক নায়িকা দুজনেই বাঙালি, দেখুন জালেবি-র ট্রেলার
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বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদ মামলা: মেয়ের খরচ বাবদ মাসে ৪০ হাজার টাকা দেবেন শোভন, নির্দেশ আদালতের
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India vs England, Live Cricket Score, 5th Test, Day 5 at The Oval: England Look to Pile on the Misery
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India vs England, Live Cricket Score, 5th Test, Day 5 at The Oval: Root's England Chase 4-1 Series Win
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ডিভাইডার ভাঙতে বাধা স্থানীয়দের, আলোচনায় নিউ আলিপুরে বিকল্প রাস্তা নিয়ে সমাধান সূত্র
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২৩ জেলার বাছাই খবর। সব জেলার সব খবর। এক ঝলকে
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ঘণ্টাখানেক সঙ্গে সুমন (১০.০৯.১৮) একদিকে তেলের দামে আগুন, অন্যদিকে কর্মনাশা বনধ। জোড়া যন্ত্রণায় জেরবার জনতা। এই হারে বাড়লে ১৬ নভেম্বর পেট্রোল, ১১ ডিসেম্বর সেঞ্চুরি হাঁকাবে ডিজেল
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বীরভূমের কাঁকরতলায় তৃণমূলের দলীয় কার্যালয়ে বিস্ফোরণের ঘটনায় গ্রেফতার ৭
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মদ্যপানের টাকা দিতে অস্বীকার করায় টোটোচালককে মারধর করে টাকা ও মোবাইল কেড়ে নেওয়ার অভিযোগ
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তেলের দামবৃদ্ধি নিয়ে ইউপিএ আমলের সঙ্গে তুলনা দেখাতে গিয়ে ফাঁপরে বিজেপি
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Sonos speakers now work with IFTTT so you can automate your music
Sonos is opening up its speaker platform to more and more third parties, and IFTTT is one of the first to make use of the company’s new software APIs. IFTTT will allow Sonos owners to stop music playing when they leave home, pause audio when a phone call is answered, and integrate with other smart home devices to automate things even further.
Sonos on IFTTT is a beta for now, but the integration includes features like starting a favorite radio station when a smart home door unlocks, or play a specific song when a Domino’s pizza is out for delivery. There’s plenty of crazy recipes on IFTTT that can now include the automation of music playback with Sonos. The speaker maker is allowing IFTTT to control basic playback, volume, and the...
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Sonos speakers now work with IFTTT so you can automate your music
Sonos is opening up its speaker platform to more and more third parties, and IFTTT is one of the first to make use of the company’s new software APIs. IFTTT will allow Sonos owners to stop music playing when they leave home, pause audio when a phone call is answered, and integrate with other smart home devices to automate things even further.
Sonos on IFTTT is a beta for now, but the integration includes features like starting a favorite radio station when a smart home door unlocks, or play a specific song when a Domino’s pizza is out for delivery. There’s plenty of crazy recipes on IFTTT that can now include the automation of music playback with Sonos. The speaker maker is allowing IFTTT to control basic playback, volume, and the...
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মেয়ে পড়ছে স্কটল্যান্ডের বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে, কোটিপতি ভারতীয় মোতায়েন করলেন ১২ জন কর্মী
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পেট্রোপণ্যের দাম বাড়ছে লাফিয়ে, জেরবার সাধারণ মানুষ
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মেয়ে পড়ছে স্কটল্যান্ডের বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে, কোটিপতি ভারতীয় মোতায়েন করলেন ১২ জন কর্মী
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বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদ মামলা: মেয়র শোভন চট্টোপাধ্যায়কে মেয়ের খরচ বাবদ মাসে ৪০ হাজার টাকা দেওয়ার নির্দেশ
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Australia Name Finch and Siddle in Their 15-Man Squad for UAE Tests; Maxwell Overlooked
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ফের বাড়ল পেট্রোল-ডিজেলের দাম, মূল্যবৃদ্ধি রোখা আমাদের হাতে নেই, জানিয়ে দিল কেন্দ্র
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জানতেন? মিসেস ইন্ডিয়া প্রতিযোগিতায় দ্বিতীয় হন ইনি, ঐশ্বর্যার বৌদি শ্রীমা রাই
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শিগগিরই মা হতে চলেছেন সানিয়া মির্জা, তাঁর সাধের অনুষ্ঠানে গোটা পরিবার
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২০০৭ এর হায়দরাবাদ জোড়া বিস্ফোরণ মামলায় ২ দোষীর মৃত্যুদণ্ড, একজনের যাবজ্জীবন কারাবাস
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ন্যাশনাল হেরাল্ড: ফের ২০১১-১২র আয়কর অ্যাসেসমেন্ট চ্যালেঞ্জ করে রাহুল, সনিয়ার পিটিশন খারিজ দিল্লি হাইকোর্টের
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ভোটমুখী রাজস্থানের পর পেট্রল, ডিজেলে ২ টাকা ভ্যাট কমালেন অন্ধ্রপ্রদেশের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী চন্দ্রবাবু নাইডু
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অযোধ্যায় রামমন্দির হবেই, সুপ্রিম কোর্ট আমাদের! উত্তরপ্রদেশের বিজেপি মন্ত্রীর মন্তব্যে বিতর্ক, পরে সাফাই, বলতে চেয়েছি, দেশের সবার
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কেরলে সন্ন্যাসিনীকে ধর্ষণের অভিযোগ, চলতি সপ্তাহেই জেরার জন্য ডাকা হতে পারে বিশপকে
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দাম বেশি হলে জ্বালানির খরচ কমালেই তো হয়, বললেন রাজস্থানের মন্ত্রী
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বাবরি মসজিদ ধ্বংস মামলার শুনানির বিষয়ে নিম্ন আদালতের বিচারপতির রিপোর্ট চাইল সুপ্রিম কোর্ট
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আজ থেকে দিল্লিতে বাড়ি বসেই পাওয়া যাচ্ছে ড্রাইভিং লাইসেন্স, রেশন কার্ড সহ ৪০টি সরকারি পরিষেবা
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আগামী বছর সরে যাবেন, ৫৪-তম জন্মদিনে ঘোষণা আলিবাবাকে ৪২০ বিলিয়ন মার্কিন ডলারবিশিষ্ট সংস্থা করে তোলা প্রাক্তন ইংরাজি শিক্ষক জ্যাক মা-র
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শুধু ২০১৯-ই নয়, আগামী ৫০ বছর দেশ শাসন করবে বিজেপি, দাবি অমিত শাহের
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টেস্টে অভিষেকেই হাফসেঞ্চুরি, দ্রাবিড় ও কোহলিকে কৃতিত্ব দিলেন হনুমা বিহারী
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কলকাতা বিমানবন্দরে বাংলাদেশি নাগরিকের কাছ থেকে উদ্ধার গুলি, গ্রেফতার
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জায়গা ভরানো খবর নয়। বাছাই করা সেরা খবর। সবার জন্য সব খবর, ফটাফট
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ফের শহরে ডেঙ্গি আক্রান্তের মৃত্যু, বাইপাসের ধারে বেসরকারি হাসপাতালে মৃত্যু সাউথ পয়েন্টের পড়ুয়ার
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মাঝেরহাট ব্রিজ বিপর্যয়ের পর এক সপ্তাহ পরও যানজট অব্যাহত, সকালে টালিগঞ্জ ফাঁড়িতে গাড়ির লম্বা লাইন
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গতকাল ধর্মঘটে যাদবপুরে রেল অবরোধের ঘটনায় জিআরপি-তে অভিযোগ দায়ের
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মালদার রতুয়ায় বিপদসীমার উপর দিয়ে বইছে গঙ্গার জল,ব্যাপক ভাঙন, হলুদ সতর্কতা জারি
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২৩ জেলার বাছাই খবর। সব জেলার সব খবর। এক ঝলকে
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শাসন থানার খড়িবাড়ি রোডে নিয়ন্ত্রণ হারিয়ে ম্যাটাডোর উল্টে আহত ১৩
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কেশিয়াড়িতে ধানখেত থেকে উদ্ধার বৃদ্ধার দেহ
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Nvidia releases remote app for Shield TV
Nvidia has released a mobile app offering remote control for the Shield TV streaming box. It’s available for iOS and Android, letting you navigate the Android TV interface, enter text, and control a mouse pointer.
The app should make it easier to log into services on the Shield TV, while also alleviating one of the bigger problems I have with the box: the first-gen remote’s poor battery life. I often find that it’s drained when I pick it up, so this should at least put an end to the times where I’m using a tiny wireless remote plugged into a wall.
The remote app requires version 7.1 of the Shield TV software, the first update since 7.0 brought a major UI refresh with Android Oreo.
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Tesla is bringing back its wireless smartphone charger at a discount
Tesla has started informing customers that its wireless smartphone charger, which quickly went out of stock late last month, will be returning to its online store at a roughly $15 discount, with the electric car maker citing a larger manufacturing quantity as the reason for the price drop. Owners of the charger have been posting Tesla’s email regarding the charger on Twitter, although the company has yet to officially confirm it. The device originally went on sale through Tesla’s website in late August at $65, featuring a sleek and Apple-like design in white or black, a 6,000 mAh battery for charging, and 5W of output.
Those specs aren’t stellar, considering you can get larger capacity chargers with twice the rate of charging output for...
from The Verge - All Posts
Tesla’s keyless entry vulnerable to spoofing attack, researchers find
Last week’s Tesla security update may have been more urgent than the company let on. Researchers at KU Leuven have figured out a way to spoof Tesla’s key fob system, as first reported by Wired. The result would let an attacker steal a Tesla simply by walking past the owner and cloning his key.
The attack is particularly significant because Tesla pioneered the keyless entry concept, which has since spread to most luxury cars. This particular attack seems to have only worked on Model S units shipped before June, and in an update last week, Tesla pushed out an update that strengthened the encryption for the remaining vehicles. More importantly, the company added the option to require a PIN password before the car will start, effectively...
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SoundCloud’s new personalized playlist is serving up unlicensed mashups
SoundCloud has announced a new personalized playlist for users called SoundCloud Weekly. Updated every Monday, the playlist appears at the top of your SoundCloud account under the “Discover” tab.
Like Spotify’s Discover Weekly, which has been around for three years, SoundCloud Weekly should reflect your listening habits and serve up 30 tracks and DJ mixes that fit what you’ve played recently. Aside from plays, SoundCloud also takes into account the tracks you like and share when it decides what to put on the playlist.
A weekly playlist is an obvious, if not late, step for SoundCloud, which has been trying to regain footing under the eye of new CEO Kerry Trainor since last summer. Under Trainor’s direction, SoundCloud has seen several...
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Samsung’s SmartThings Tracker uses LTE to find your misplaced items
Samsung is releasing a SmartThings tracker that’s powered by LTE-M (instead of Bluetooth) to help you find stuff. The cellular network allows it to be used for real-time location tracking for your pets and kids as well as misplaced items. The power button on the tracker, when pressed twice, will send its location through the SmartThings app, and there’s also an option to send an SOS.
The tracker is compatible with other Samsung SmartThings devices so it can be used in conjunction with other smart home products like lights, thermostats, and security cameras. For example, you can use the tracker as an arrival sensor, which will trigger lights to turn on when the device is in range. You can also use it for geofencing areas that will...
from The Verge - All Posts
Outlaw King is a purposeful but empty bid for Netflix’s filmmaking legitimacy
Welcome to Cheat Sheet, our brief breakdown-style reviews of festival films, VR previews, and other special event releases. This review comes from the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival.
Netflix is currently fighting a battle on at least three fronts. Even in the wake of a huge number of freshly launched competitors, the streaming giant has a serious advantage in the war to carve out and retain a sizable paying audience. Its owners got into the streaming business early, achieved a high rate of public awareness, and built a strong user base. Its second front — producing and owning its own memorable, original content to secure its success, irrespective of the whims of studio licensing departments — has also been ambitious and largely...
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Afridi, Gayle and Rashid Among Icon Players Picked for Afghanistan Premium League T20
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Every Match Against India is Important, Says Pakistan Captain Sarfraz Ahmed
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India vs England 5th Test: When and Where to Watch Live Coverage on Sony TV, Live Streaming Online on SonyLIV
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India Making One Error Too Many in the DRS Game
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India Stare at Big defeat at Oval After Cook & Root Smash Hundreds
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Reynolds: As Finishes Go Alastair Cook Conjures a Perfect One
from Top Cricketnext News-
India vs England, 5th Test Day 4 at The Oval: England Closing in On Alastair Cook's Perfect Farewell
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11th September 1985: Sri Lanka Record Their First Test Win
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After Getting The Axe, Murali Vijay Scores Half Century For Essex
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India A in Position of Dominance Over Australia A in Second Four-Day Match
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In Numbers: Cook Becomes Fifth Batsman to Score Ton in Debut and Farewell Test
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Sri Lanka’s Dinesh Chandimal Ruled Out of Asia Cup with Fractured Finger
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Gilchrist Wants India to be Patient with Pant, Give Him a ‘Nice Run’ in Tests
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Hussain Calls for Jennings to be Dropped for England's Tour of Sri Lanka
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Nvidia releases remote app for Shield TV
Nvidia has released a mobile app offering remote control for the Shield TV streaming box. It’s available for iOS and Android, letting you navigate the Android TV interface, enter text, and control a mouse pointer.
The app should make it easier to log into services on the Shield TV, while also alleviating one of the bigger problems I have with the box: the first-gen remote’s poor battery life. I often find that it’s drained when I pick it up, so this should at least put an end to the times where I’m using a tiny wireless remote plugged into a wall.
The remote app requires version 7.1 of the Shield TV software, the first update since 7.0 brought a major UI refresh with Android Oreo.
from The Verge - All Posts
Tesla is bringing back its wireless smartphone charger at a discount
Tesla has started informing customers that its wireless smartphone charger, which quickly went out of stock late last month, will be returning to its online store at a roughly $15 discount, with the electric car maker citing a larger manufacturing quantity as the reason for the price drop. Owners of the charger have been posting Tesla’s email regarding the charger on Twitter, although the company has yet to officially confirm it. The device originally went on sale through Tesla’s website in late August at $65, featuring a sleek and Apple-like design in white or black, a 6,000 mAh battery for charging, and 5W of output.
Those specs aren’t stellar, considering you can get larger capacity chargers with twice the rate of charging output for...
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Tesla’s keyless entry vulnerable to spoofing attack, researchers find
Last week’s Tesla security update may have been more urgent than the company let on. Researchers at KU Leuven have figured out a way to spoof Tesla’s key fob system, as first reported by Wired. The result would let an attacker steal a Tesla simply by walking past the owner and cloning his key.
The attack is particularly significant because Tesla pioneered the keyless entry concept, which has since spread to most luxury cars. This particular attack seems to have only worked on Model S units shipped before June, and in an update last week, Tesla pushed out an update that strengthened the encryption for the remaining vehicles. More importantly, the company added the option to require a PIN password before the car will start, effectively...
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SoundCloud’s new personalized playlist is serving up unlicensed mashups
SoundCloud has announced a new personalized playlist for users called SoundCloud Weekly. Updated every Monday, the playlist appears at the top of your SoundCloud account under the “Discover” tab.
Like Spotify’s Discover Weekly, which has been around for three years, SoundCloud Weekly should reflect your listening habits and serve up 30 tracks and DJ mixes that fit what you’ve played recently. Aside from plays, SoundCloud also takes into account the tracks you like and share when it decides what to put on the playlist.
A weekly playlist is an obvious, if not late, step for SoundCloud, which has been trying to regain footing under the eye of new CEO Kerry Trainor since last summer. Under Trainor’s direction, SoundCloud has seen several...
from The Verge - All Posts
Samsung’s SmartThings Tracker uses LTE to find your misplaced items
Samsung is releasing a SmartThings tracker that’s powered by LTE-M (instead of Bluetooth) to help you find stuff. The cellular network allows it to be used for real-time location tracking for your pets and kids as well as misplaced items. The power button on the tracker, when pressed twice, will send its location through the SmartThings app, and there’s also an option to send an SOS.
The tracker is compatible with other Samsung SmartThings devices so it can be used in conjunction with other smart home products like lights, thermostats, and security cameras. For example, you can use the tracker as an arrival sensor, which will trigger lights to turn on when the device is in range. You can also use it for geofencing areas that will...
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Outlaw King is a purposeful but empty bid for Netflix’s filmmaking legitimacy
Welcome to Cheat Sheet, our brief breakdown-style reviews of festival films, VR previews, and other special event releases. This review comes from the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival.
Netflix is currently fighting a battle on at least three fronts. Even in the wake of a huge number of freshly launched competitors, the streaming giant has a serious advantage in the war to carve out and retain a sizable paying audience. Its owners got into the streaming business early, achieved a high rate of public awareness, and built a strong user base. Its second front — producing and owning its own memorable, original content to secure its success, irrespective of the whims of studio licensing departments — has also been ambitious and largely...
from The Verge - All Posts
Huami Amazfit Cor Review: All Weather Fitness Band
Xiaomi sub-brand Huami entered Indian wearable market back in the fag end of July 2018. The brand started its journey in India with Amazfit Stratos and Amazfit Bip and now steps into the more affordable wearable segment with its first fitness band, Amazfit Cor. Priced at Rs 3,999 the Amazfit aims to compliment Xiaomi’s presence in the […]
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from Smartprix Bytes
Samsung to offer gradient back option in Galaxy A9 Star
According to the latest reports, Samsung will offer a gradient color option on a new, upcoming variant of Galaxy A9 Star. The phone was first launched in China about three months ago. Read More: iPhone 9, Xs, and Xs Max to have Dual SIM Dual VoLTE support: Reports Samsung Galaxy A9 Star Features The Galaxy A9 […]
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Xiaomi introduces Amazfit Pace Smartwatch and Amazfit Cor Fitness Band in India
Xiaomi’s sub-brand Huami has recently expanded its portfolio in India by introducing two new wearable bands, AmazFit Pace and AmazFit Cor in the country. On the sidelines of the launch event, CP Khandelwal, Founder, PR Innovations, said, “We are very excited to bring Amazfit Pace and Cor in the country through our exclusive partnership with […]
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from Smartprix Bytes
Razer Phone 2 for gamers, with Snapdragon 845, 8GB RAM, 512GB memory appears on benchmark
Popular gaming brand Razer launched its first phone last year, which targeted hardcore gamers and kick-started a gaming phone trend. It’s now time for the next iteration, the Razer Phone 2. Right after the company announced its second smartphone, the device was seen running the AnTuTu Benchmark, thus confirming specifications that were reported earlier in […]
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In Search of Darkness Documentary Teaser Dives Deep Into 80s Horror Movies
from Movie Trailers
Viper Club Trailer: Susan Sarandon Goes Rogue to Save Her Son
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Michael Myers Becomes Trump in Halloween Spoof Trailer President Evil
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Strange Nature Trailer: Wrestler Johnny Impact Vs. Mutant Frogs
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