meta content='PcpJKOmoday5SZ2ES5Jk' name='bulletprofit'/> 07/19/19


Arnold Schwarzenegger’s T-800 Has A Surprising Name In Terminator: Dark Fate

James Cameron, creator of the franchise and producer on this movie, hosted the Terminator: Dark Fate panel at Comic-Con today, meaning new info about the upcoming sixth Terminator movie, and third reboot, has come our way. Including the knowledge that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s T-800 has a very unexpected name in the film.

According to multiple sources who were in attendance during the panel, a full scene from Dark Fate was shown. This hasn’t been released online just yet, but thanks to hearsay we’ve got the gist of it. It consists of the cyborg coming out of his cabin and having a confrontation with Linda Hamilton’s Sarah Connor. As the one Terminator she trusted was destroyed at the end of T2, Sarah is dismissive when this apparently benign T-800 introduces himself as Carl.

Yup, Schwarzenegger’s new character in Dark Fate is named Carl. No offense to any Carls out there, of course, as it’s a fine name. But in this context, it sounds like the name’s been attached to the killer robot for levity. This can’t help but give us flashbacks to Terminator: Genisys having the original, aged T-800 called “Pops” by Emilia Clarke’s Sarah. Seeing as DF is supposed to move the franchise way away from Genisys, that might set off warning bells.

On the other hand, just about everything else is pointing to Dark Fate being the sequel fans have been asking for since the 90s. For one, it’s wiping away the past three films from continuity and will act as a direct follow-up to 1991’s Terminator: Judgement Day. We already knew Hamilton was returning for the first time since then, but this SDCC panel also revealed that Edward Furlong would be making a shock comeback as John Connor.

Also starring Mackenzie Davis, Natalia Reyes and Gabriel Luna, Terminator: Dark Fate blasts into theaters on November 1st. In the meantime, tell us, are you excited to see Schwarzenegger as Carl? Let us know in the comments section below.

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ICC Approves Like-for-Like Concussion Substitutes For All International Cricket

In a landmark decision, the International Cricket Council has approved a like-for-like concussion substitute in men's and women's international cricket and first-class cricket worldwide from August 1, the start of the first Ashes Test.

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খড়দহে অ্যাপ ক্যাব চালক খুনের কিনারা, গ্রেফতার মহিলা সহ ২, খবর এক ঝলকে

খড়দহে অ্যাপ ক্যাব চালক খুনের কিনারা, গ্রেফতার মহিলা সহ ২, খবর এক ঝলকে

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অনাস্থা ভোটের আগে বিধাননগরের মেয়র সব্যসাচী দত্তের ইস্তফা, যোগ দিলেন প্রাথমিক শিক্ষকদের আন্দোলনে, খবর ফটাফট

অনাস্থা ভোটের আগে বিধাননগরের মেয়র সব্যসাচী দত্তের ইস্তফা, যোগ দিলেন প্রাথমিক শিক্ষকদের আন্দোলনে, খবর ফটাফট

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Tendulkar, Donald and Fitzpatrick Inducted into ICC Hall of Fame

Indian legend Sachin Tendulkar, former South African speedster Allan Donald and Australia's Cathryn Fitzpatrick became the latest inductees into the ICC Hall of fame, the International Cricket Council announced.

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রাজ্যপালের নির্দেশের পরেও কর্ণাটকে স্থগিত আস্থা ভোট, বিধানসভাতেই রাত্রিযাপনের সিদ্ধান্ত বিজেপির

কর্ণাটক কার? বৃহস্পতিবারও কাটল না ধোঁয়াশা। রাজ্যপালের নির্দেশের পরেও হল না আস্থা ভোট। আজ সকাল ১১ টা পর্যন্ত স্থগিত অধিবেশন। বিধানসভাতেই রাত্রিযাপন, হুঙ্কার বিজেপির। 

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A war is brewing in the new trailer for HBO’s fantasy series His Dark Materials

A polar bear with an iron helmet. Image: HBO

The BBC and HBO unveiled a new trailer for their upcoming TV series, His Dark Materials, showing off a fantastical world where a war is brewing between an authoritarian Church and those who resist it.

Based off the book series by Philip Pullman, the series is set in an alternate world where every person has their own shapeshifting, animal-shaped companion, a manifestation of their soul. These companions are called Daemons. The story follows a young girl named Lyra Belacqua (played by Logan’s Dafne Keen) who grows up as an orphan in Oxford. When children begin vanishing, including her best friend Roger, she sets off into the Arctic to find him, and discovers a conspiracy involving her world’s domineering Church.

This latest trailer...

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হনুমান চল্লিশা পাঠ অনুষ্ঠানে অংশ নেওয়ায় হুমকির মুখোমুখি ইশরত জাহান

হনুমান চল্লিশা পাঠ অনুষ্ঠানে অংশ নেওয়ায় বাড়িওয়ালা ও প্রতিবেশীদের বিরুদ্ধে হুমকি ও মানসিক চাপ সৃষ্টির অভিযোগ তৎক্ষণিক তিন তালাক বিরোধী আন্দোলনের অন্যতম মুখ ইশরত জাহানের। অস্বীকার অভিযুক্তদের। কী হয়েছিল তা খতিয়ে দেখা হচ্ছে বলে জানিয়েছে পুলিশ।

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অনাস্থা-ভোটাভুটির আগেই বিধাননগর পুরসভার মেয়র পদে ইস্তফা সব্যসাচী দত্তর

অনাস্থা-ভোটাভুটির আগেই বিধাননগর পুরসভার মেয়র পদে ইস্তফা সব্যসাচী দত্তর। পদত্যাগের পর নিজেকে দুর্নীতি-বিরোধী হিসেবে তুলে ধরে তৃণমূল সরকারকে কার্যত দুষেছেন তিনি। পাল্টা সুর চড়িয়েছে তৃণমূলও। 

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অসম ও বিহারের বন্যা পরিস্থিতি ভয়াবহ, মৃতের সংখ্যা বেড়ে ৯৭

অসম ও বিহারের বন্যা পরিস্থিতি ভয়াবহ। মৃতের সংখ্যা বেড়ে ৯৭। দুই রাজ্যে বন্যা কবলিত প্রায় ১ কোটি মানুষ। জলের তলায় অসমের কাজিরাঙা ও মানস জাতীয় উদ্যান। মেঘালয়-মিজোরামের অবস্থাও সঙ্কটনক। মিজোরামে মৃত ৫, উত্তরপ্রদেশে ৩।

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দুর্গাপুজোকে কাজে লাগিয়ে জনসংযোগে ব্যস্ত বিজেপি

দুর্গাপুজোকে কাজে লাগিয়ে জনসংযোগে ব্যস্ত বিজেপি, কালীঘাটের সঙ্ঘশ্রী ক্লাবে বিজেপি নেতা সায়ন্তন বসু। গেরুয়া শিবিরের এই পুজো-তৎপরতা নিয়ে কটাক্ষ করেছে তৃণমূল।

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দুর্গাপুজোকে কাজে লাগিয়ে বাংলায় জনসংযোগ বাড়ানোর নির্দেশ নরেন্দ্র মোদির

দুর্গাপুজোকে কাজে লাগিয়ে বাংলায় জনসংযোগ বাড়ানোর নির্দেশ নরেন্দ্র মোদির। সূত্রের দাবি, ইতিমধ্যে এই কাজ শুরু করে দিয়েছেন রাজ্য বিজেপি নেতারা। তাঁদের দাবি, একাধিক পুজো কমিটির তরফে তাঁদের সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ করা হচ্ছে। 

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আজকের রাশিফল

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A war is brewing in the new trailer for HBO’s fantasy series His Dark Materials

A polar bear with an iron helmet. Image: HBO

The BBC and HBO unveiled a new trailer for their upcoming TV series, His Dark Materials, showing off a fantastical world where a war is brewing between an authoritarian Church and those who resist it.

Based off the book series by Philip Pullman, the series is set in an alternate world where every person has their own shapeshifting, animal-shaped companion, a manifestation of their soul. These companions are called Daemons. The story follows a young girl named Lyra Belacqua (played by Logan’s Dafne Keen) who grows up as an orphan in Oxford. When children begin vanishing, including her best friend Roger, she sets off into the Arctic to find him, and discovers a conspiracy involving her world’s domineering Church.

This latest trailer...

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Orlando police once again ditch Amazon’s facial recognition software

Facial Recognition Illustration by James Bareham / The Verge

Amazon’s controversial Rekognition platform, its artificial intelligence-powered facial recognition software, is no longer being used by Orlando law enforcement, ending the second attempt to use the technology in a pilot phase in central Florida. The reason: the city didn’t have the necessary equipment or bandwidth to get it properly running and never once was able to test it live.

The news, reported today by Orlando Weekly, marks another high-profile setback for Rekognition, which has been plagued by criticism of its contributions to bias policing, unlawful surveillance, and racial profiling, as well as the clandestine way Amazon has gone about selling it to police departments while it’s still in active development.

The use of...

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Orlando police once again ditch Amazon’s facial recognition software

Facial Recognition Illustration by James Bareham / The Verge

Amazon’s controversial Rekognition platform, its artificial intelligence-powered facial recognition software, is no longer being used by Orlando law enforcement, ending the second attempt to use the technology in a pilot phase in central Florida. The reason: the city didn’t have the necessary equipment or bandwidth to get it properly running and never once was able to test it live.

The news, reported today by Orlando Weekly, marks another high-profile setback for Rekognition, which has been plagued by criticism of its contributions to bias policing, unlawful surveillance, and racial profiling, as well as the clandestine way Amazon has gone about selling it to police departments while it’s still in active development.

The use of...

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Carl Be Back: Terminator Dark Fate R-Rated Sneak Peek from Comic-Con Arrives

Paramount Pictures has released a peek behind-the-scenes at Terminator: Dark Fate, which also features some of the footage shown at Comic-Con today.

from Movie Trailers

AI Accessibility: The Next Spreadsheet Revolution for Modern Business?

The future of AI is not the impressive moonshots but the mundane daily use that we associate with spreadsheets. That’s the take some have about AI’s emergence from rarefied fields to common business use.

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Fat Thor Finally Has His Own Avengers: Endgame Action Figure

One of the most discussed topics to come out of Avengers: Endgame was the depiction of Chris Hemsworth’s Thor, who took a mighty step backwards in badassery, but a mighty step forward in belt size.

Following the heroes’ failure to stop Thanos from wiping out half of the universe in Infinity War, the God of Thunder retreats and goes into a deep, beer-filled slumber. By the time Rocket Raccoon and Hulk find him, Thor’s hair has at least quadrupled in length, and his belly has increased tenfold. The man who was once arguing with Star-Lord over who looked better now had the physical characteristics of the Dude.

But, “Bro Thor,” as he’s been officially dubbed, has gained quite the fan base. In a genre filled with super-strength aliens, and rich humans who have to fight those aliens, a lot of self-proclaimed “pudgy” folk found comfort in the character’s new representation. And it seems that appreciation’s carried over into SDCC, where it appears Thor’s new look has been given its own action figure.

Several fans have posted pictures of the plastic figuring on Twitter, and you can check some of them out down below:

I’ll give you a few details about me. I’ve been a manager and employee at a movie theater for almost two years now, and if you can believe it, no studio comes close to putting out the amount of merchandise that Marvel does. So when Avengers: Endgame began its triumphant run at our multiplex (which continues to this day), and we began selling Thor POP figures, shirts, cups, etc., I was disappointed to see no signs of Bro Thor anywhere. I figured it was a spoiler thing, so it made sense at the time. But when the spoiler-ban was lifted, and still nothing, it seemed to me Marvel wasn’t as proud of their character as they could’ve been.

But now these are here. And though I’m not exactly sure where or if you can get them right now, I’ll be sure to keep a look out!

from Movies – We Got This Covered

Margot Robbie Is Deliberately Refusing To Watch Star Wars

Star Wars may have reigned as one of the most popular and recognizable brands in Hollywood for over 40 years with a global fanbase that spans generations and brings in billions of dollars in revenue, but doesn’t mean that every single person on the planet needs to be completely enamored with the Disney-owned franchise. During the press rounds for Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Margot Robbie revealed that she is one of those people.

Having recently wrapped Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) after playing the title character for a second time following David Ayer’s Suicide Squad (where she shared screentime with Batman), Robbie is certainly no stranger to pop culture icons. However, the Academy Award-nominated star has no intention of ever watching a Star Wars movie, based on how often people ask her why she hasn’t, revealing:

“I’ve never seen any Star Wars. And I kind of don’t watch it now just because it infuriates people so much, like, ‘How? How have you never watched any Star Wars?.’ And I just kinda wanna see how long I can make it now.”

Co-star Brad Pitt also let slip that he hasn’t seen Gone with the Wind, while Leonardo DiCaprio admitted he’s never made the time to watch The Sound of Music. It’s lucky that Tarantino wasn’t sitting in on the interview, with the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood filmmaker having a famously encyclopedic knowledge of even the most obscure film trivia.

Robbie certainly seems to be sticking to her guns on this one, and fair play to her. The ‘you haven’t seen (insert movie title here)?’ conversation is one that everybody has with their friends and peers on a regular basis, and not everybody feels the need to track down and watch every classic movie ever made.

from Movies – We Got This Covered

Deadpool Creator Promises Deadpool 3 Will Happen Soon

With Disney’s recent acquisition of Fox and its many properties, Deadpool 3 has been sitting delicately in the balance. It feels like everyone’s been holding their breath, as not to push the project in the pitfalls of doom.

But we’re happy to report some good news, Deadpool fans.

Rob Liefeld, the man behind the Merc with a Mouth, is adamant that the film will happen one day. And not just one day, but some day soon.

Taking to Twitter earlier this morning for an impromptu Q&A session with fans, here’s exactly what he had to say when asked for an update:

While no official reports or announcements have been made, it’d be rather foolish for Disney not to continue the Ryan Reynolds-starring franchise. And from what we’ve heard thus far, the House of Mouse has no plans of being foolish. Both Disney Chief Bob Iger and Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige have said they’d entertain the idea of more R-rated Deadpool movies. So it seems like the question should really be “how,” not “if.”

Now that’s something nobody’s really thought about yet. Quotes and intel keep playing a game of tennis with speculation, contradicting things we’ve already heard and adding even more layers of confusion. Last November, T.J. Miller confirmed he’d been contracted to do Deadpool 3, but there’ve also been reports that Marvel isn’t sure what they’re going to do yet. And that led the way for rumors that a Disney Plus show may be possible instead of another film.

But with this recent news pulling the discussion in a positive light, we want to know your thoughts. Do you think Disney should put together Deadpool 3? And if so, how? Should Ryan Reynolds join the MCU, or should he do his own thing? Be sure to write it down and drop it in the comments section below.

from Movies – We Got This Covered

Arnie’s Back In This New Terminator: Dark Fate Promo

San Diego Comic-Con is now underway and kicking things off is a brand new featurette for Tim Miller’s upcoming Terminator: Dark Fate, which will be following on directly from the ending of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, much like the recent Halloween knocked all the sequels from continuity. And so far, it seems like that was the right move.

We’ve seen quite a bit of the pic already and it’s definitely looking promising. In fact, it’s looking even better than the last three Terminator films combined. Now, with this new promo straight from SDCC 2019, we get an even better idea of what’s in store for us and as with the last preview, it teases a gritty aesthetic, some top notch effects work, exciting action and, of course, Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Yes, the action icon is back for more and joining him is an impressive cast boasting names like Linda Hamilton, Gabriel Luna, Mackenzie Davis and even Edward Furlong, who we found out today will be returning to the franchise after decades away from it. With all that talent on board, and James Cameron acting as producer, it seems as if the series is finally about to get back on track. Or at least, we certainly hope it is.

In any case, we’ll find out soon enough, as Terminator: Dark Fate will shoot its way into theaters worldwide on November 1st. It’s the day after Judgment Day, for those keeping track, so we imagine that John, Sarah, and the T-800 will be stepping into a desolate, hopeless world. And quite honestly, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Jay And Silent Bob Reboot’s Ensemble Cast Includes Three Batmans

When asked to describe the newly-unveiled Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, Kevin Smith summed it up perfectly: “it’s a movie which makes fun of sequels and remakes and reboots while being all three at the same time.” Where do we sign up?

Hot off this morning’s decidedly NSFW trailer and we have official confirmation that the Jay and Silent Bob Reboot features not one, not two, but three Batmen Batmans. You can count Ben Affleck among that exclusive club, though Kevin Smith refused to divulge further details of those other two Caped Crusaders.

Chances are the writer-director-star has made room in his ranks for Diedrich Bader, who voiced Bruce Wayne in Batman: The Brave and the Bold, while Kevin Conroy seems like another safe bet, given he previously worked with Kevin Smith on Yoga Hosers. And let’s face it: barring some unforeseen twist, we can effectively rule out Robert Pattinson, who has yet to don the cape and cowl for Warner Bros.


Among the star-studded cast for the Jay and Silent Bob Reboot are Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Craig Robinson, Joe Manganiello, Val Kilmer, Melissa Benoist and Chris Hemsworth of Avengers: Endgame, who seemingly took some time out during his busy MCU schedule to spend a day filming alongside Smith and Jason Mewes (Jay), much to the delight of everyone involved.

Chris Hemsworth made time during Avengers: Endgame press to come out and shoot with us for a day. It was pretty amazing. I mean, the dude’s legit funny. So, we’ve got an Avenger in the movie! It’s a comic book-friendly cast, that’s for sure.

Any film that takes advantage of Chris Hemsworth’s comedic chops (see: Thor: Ragnarok, Ghostbusters, and yes, even Men In Black: International) is most definitely worth the price of admission. And while it’s unlikely to score a wide release, Jay and Silent Bob Reboot will begin making its way into select theaters come October.

from Movies – We Got This Covered