সন্ময়ের বাড়িতে \'আক্রান্ত আমরা\', নিরাপত্তাহীনতায় ভোগার অভিযোগ পরিবারের, প্রতিবাদ সভা
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দুই জেলায় ভেস্তে গেল রাজ্যপালের বৈঠক, ক্ষুব্ধ ধনকড়, বললেন, সুযোগ পেলে মুখ খুলব
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এক নজরে শহরের যান চলাচলের হাল-হকিকৎ, দেখে নিন ট্রাফিক আপডেট
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প্রশাসনিক কর্তাদের জনসংযোগ বাড়াতে নির্দেশ মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর
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পশ্চিমবঙ্গ দখলের লড়াইয়েও বিজেপির মুখ হবেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী নরেন্দ্র মোদি, ইঙ্গিত রাজ্য নেতাদের
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চলন্ত বনগাঁ লোকাল লক্ষ্য করে পাথর দুষ্কৃতীদের, গুরুতর আহত এক
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নানুরে শঙ্করী বাগদি খুনে গ্রেফতার আরও ২
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India vs South Africa | Series Verdict - Ruthless India Tick All the Boxes

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SoftBank takes over 80 percent of WeWork

WeWork and SoftBank have announced a deal that will see the Japanese tech giant buy out around 80 percent of the beleaguered real estate company. Marcelo Claure, the former CEO of Sprint — which SoftBank acquired in 2012 — will be the new executive chairman at WeWork. Adam Neumann, the founder and CEO who is receiving more than a billion dollars to leave, will become a “board observer” without voting power. Artie Minson and Sebastian Gunningham remain co-CEOs of WeWork.
SoftBank is already WeWork’s largest investor, to the tune of more than $10 billion. The new deal includes $5 billion in further funding, $1.5 billion that had already been pledged for the future, and a $3 billion tender offer for existing shareholders outside SoftBank....
from The Verge - All Posts
ভেস্তে গেল রাজ্যপালের বৈঠক, আমন্ত্রণই পাইনি, দাবি শাসক দলের জনপ্রতিনিধিদের, খবর এক ঝলকে
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শিলিগুড়িতে তিন জেলার প্রশাসনিক বৈঠকে মুখ্যমন্ত্রী, বাংলায় ডিটেনশন ক্যাম্প নয়, ফটাফট
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Lexus teases its first electric vehicles with a wild drone-deploying concept car

The LF-30 is a weird harbinger of Lexus’ electric future
from The Verge - All Posts
Vijay Hazare Semi-finals, Live Cricket Updates: Karnataka v Chhattisgarh & Gujarat v Tamil Nadu for Spot in Finals

from Top CricketNext News-
Lexus teases its first electric vehicles with a wild drone-deploying concept car

The LF-30 is a weird harbinger of Lexus’ electric future
from The Verge - All Posts
C’mon Google, do a Pixel cereal box giveaway for real

Creamy, crunchy, deliriously sweet kids’ cereal and milk was my nectar and ambrosia growing up. I would have eaten that stuff day and night — even if there weren’t toys occasionally waiting inside. Those days I got my Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs and a chance at a delightful new toy? Those were the best.
Sadly, Google’s marketing team didn’t quite capture that nostalgia in a new Pixel 4 giveaway — because the picture you see above (and its associated video) is a terrible, terrible lie.
Can you imagine the anticipation of cracking open a box of cereal wondering if a free $800+ smartphone is inside? That an explosion of alkali-processed cocoa and disintegrated corn...
from The Verge - All Posts
রাজ্যপালের বৈঠক বানচাল, গরহাজির শীর্ষ আমলা থেকে জনপ্রতিনিধি, হেডলাইনস
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C’mon Google, do a Pixel cereal box giveaway for real

Creamy, crunchy, deliriously sweet kids’ cereal and milk was my nectar and ambrosia growing up. I would have eaten that stuff day and night — even if there weren’t toys occasionally waiting inside. Those days I got my Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs and a chance at a delightful new toy? Those were the best.
Sadly, Google’s marketing team didn’t quite capture that nostalgia in a new Pixel 4 giveaway — because the picture you see above (and its associated video) is a terrible, terrible lie.
Can you imagine the anticipation of cracking open a box of cereal wondering if a free $800+ smartphone is inside? That an explosion of alkali-processed cocoa and disintegrated corn...
from The Verge - All Posts
Google says you might have to wait to play Stadia, even if you preorder

When Google announced that its Stadia cloud gaming service would launch November 19th, we thought that meant those who shelled out $130 for a Founder’s Edition would get to play right away — and when the company announced it was replacing the sold-out Founder’s Edition with a new Premiere Edition earlier today, the question was: would Premiere Edition buyers get to play on November 19th too?
Today, Google tells The Verge that neither set of buyers will necessarily be able to play at 9AM PT on November 19th, the moment that Stadia launches, because Google’s shipping out kits in the order they were received, and the new Premiere Edition apparently won’t have shipped by that date.
Google pointed us at its blog post from last week and sure...
from The Verge - All Posts
Google says you might have to wait to play Stadia, even if you preorder

When Google announced that its Stadia cloud gaming service would launch November 19th, we thought that meant those who shelled out $130 for a Founder’s Edition would get to play right away — and when the company announced it was replacing the sold-out Founder’s Edition with a new Premiere Edition earlier today, the question was: would Premiere Edition buyers get to play on November 19th too?
Today, Google tells The Verge that neither set of buyers will necessarily be able to play at 9AM PT on November 19th, the moment that Stadia launches, because Google’s shipping out kits in the order they were received, and the new Premiere Edition apparently won’t have shipped by that date.
Google pointed us at its blog post from last week and sure...
from The Verge - All Posts
The Best Horror Movies To Stream This Halloween
How’s it going, boils, ghouls, and non-binary werewolves? I certainly hope this year’s Halloween season hasn’t spooked ya to death! I kind of like taking a break from the real-world horrors currently ongoing and replacing them with generous amounts of red corn syrup and even cornier dialogue. I can’t be the only one, right?
To celebrate, I’ve complied a list of three stellar horror flicks from the Big Three streaming outlets (Netflix, Hulu ad Amazon Prime) for your viewing pleasure. I picked some personal favorites that, if you’re stuck endlessly scrolling or your significant other can’t make a decision, could hopefully help put you into a happier, spookier place.
And no, the original Halloween is not streaming anywhere. Believe me…
from Movies – We Got This Covered