পুলওয়ামা হামলার দায় মোদি সরকারের, আক্রমণ মমতার, পাকিস্তানকে শিক্ষা দেওয়ায় দুঃখিত মমতা, পাল্টা অমিত
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অমেঠিতে রাহুলকে নিশানা করে ‘সবুজ লেসার’! নিরাপত্তার সামনে কোনও বিপদ নেই, জানাল কেন্দ্রীয় স্বরাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রক
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‘দেশের জার্সি চাপলে কোহলির খিদে বেড়ে যায়’, অধিনায়কের পাশে দাঁড়িয়ে মন্তব্য কুলদীপের
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নাগপুরে ভোট দিলেন বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে খর্বকায় মহিলা
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দেখুন: কলঙ্ক সিনেমার ‘তবাহ হো গয়ে’ গানের পারফরম্যান্সে মাতিয়ে দিলেন মাধুরী দীক্ষিত
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আলিপুরদুয়ার লোকসভা কেন্দ্রের তুফানগঞ্জের শালবাড়িতে বুথের কাছে জটলা, কেন্দ্রীয় বাহিনীকে দেখেই দৌড়
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বিক্ষোভের মুখে ঘাটালের বিজেপি প্রার্থী ভারতী ঘোষ
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উত্তরপ্রদেশের কৈরানায় বৈধ পরিচয়পত্র না নিয়ে জোর করে বুথে ঢোকার চেষ্টা, পরিস্থিতি সামলাতে শূন্যে গুলি বিএসএফের
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কোচবিহারের দিনহাটার গড়কুড়া প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ের বুথে তৃণমূলের বিরুদ্ধে বহিরাগতদের দিয়ে ভোট করানোর অভিযোগ, এক ব্যক্তির সঙ্গে কথা কাটাকাটি বিজেপি প্রার্থী নিশীথ প্রামাণিকের
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কোচবিহারের শীতলকুচি বড়খলিসামাড়ি এলাকায় মহিলা ভোটারদের প্রভাবিত করার অভিযোগে সেক্টর অফিসারকে ঘিরে বিক্ষোভ তৃণমূলের
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কোচবিহারের দিনহাটায় বুথে ঢুকে তাণ্ডব, ইভিএম, ভিভিপ্যাট ভাঙচুর, তৃণমূল-বিজেপি-র একে অপরের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযোগ
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Nintendo Labo VR kit review: a playful, bite-sized virtual reality arcade
Nintendo’s belated VR entry is as weird and fun as you’d expect
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Jeff Bezos challenges retail rivals to outdo Amazon’s $15 minimum wage
In his annual letter to shareholders, Amazon CEO and founder Jeff Bezos throws in a message to his company’s retail competitors, urging them to start a price war on the minimum wage they pay their employees. Amazon moved to a $15 minimum wage in the United States at the end of last year — though it did so with cuts to benefits and stock grants that meant some employees would end up being paid less, which then led Amazon to announce a further boost in pay to rectify the situation. Still, in a country with a federal minimum hourly pay of $7.25, Amazon’s actions can be considered progressive.
“Today I challenge our top retail competitors (you know who you are!) to match our employee benefits and our $15 minimum wage,” Bezos writes. “Do it!...
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Nintendo Labo VR kit review: a playful, bite-sized virtual reality arcade
Nintendo’s belated VR entry is as weird and fun as you’d expect
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Jeff Bezos challenges retail rivals to outdo Amazon’s $15 minimum wage
In his annual letter to shareholders, Amazon CEO and founder Jeff Bezos throws in a message to his company’s retail competitors, urging them to start a price war on the minimum wage they pay their employees. Amazon moved to a $15 minimum wage in the United States at the end of last year — though it did so with cuts to benefits and stock grants that meant some employees would end up being paid less, which then led Amazon to announce a further boost in pay to rectify the situation. Still, in a country with a federal minimum hourly pay of $7.25, Amazon’s actions can be considered progressive.
“Today I challenge our top retail competitors (you know who you are!) to match our employee benefits and our $15 minimum wage,” Bezos writes. “Do it!...
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ভুয়ো ভোটার? বোরখা পরা মহিলাদের পরিচয় যাচাই করুন পুরুষ ভোটকর্মীরাই, দাবি উত্তরপ্রদেশের বিজেপি সাংসদের
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পুজো সেরে রোড শো করে মনোনয়ন পেশ সনিয়ার, রায়বরেলিতে রাহুলের মন্তব্য, ‘মোদি অপরাজেয় নয়’
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কোচবিহারের শীতলকুচির ২৭২ নম্বর বুথে এক ব্যক্তিকে বার বার বুথে ঢুকে ভোটাররা কাকে ভোট দিচ্ছেন, তার ওপর নজর রাখতে দেখা যায়, মোবাইলের ক্যামেরায় ধরা পড়েছে এই ছবি, প্রিসাইডিং অফিসার জানিয়েছেন, তিনি বাধা দেওয়ার চেষ্টা করলেও, কাজ হয়নি
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আজ কোচবিহার, আলিপুরদুয়ারে ভোট, ২ কেন্দ্রের সব জায়গায় এবিপি আনন্দের ক্যামেরা, সকাল থেকে ভোটের সব খবর সবার আগে, সরাসরি ঘটনাস্থল থেকে, কার দখলে দিল্লি
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আজ কোচবিহার, আলিপুরদুয়ারে ভোট, ২ কেন্দ্রের সব জায়গায় এবিপি আনন্দের ক্যামেরা, সকাল থেকে ভোটের সব খবর সবার আগে, সরাসরি ঘটনাস্থল থেকে, কার দখলে দিল্লি
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আজ কোচবিহার, আলিপুরদুয়ারে ভোট, ২ কেন্দ্রের সব জায়গায় এবিপি আনন্দের ক্যামেরা, সকাল থেকে ভোটের সব খবর সবার আগে, সরাসরি ঘটনাস্থল থেকে, কার দখলে দিল্লি
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মহাজোটের সদস্যরা দেশের না সন্ত্রাসবাদীদের পক্ষে? কটাক্ষ মোদির
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Samsung Galaxy A20e launched as a small downgrade to the prevailing A20
Samsung A series welcomed new members to its large family yesterday and out of the lot, A20e is a tiny fork of the pre-existing Galaxy A20. Well, Galaxy A20 was launched last month with dual camera, Infinity-V display, and internals catering to the budget price tag. Now that the A20e is here, let’s see how […]
The post Samsung Galaxy A20e launched as a small downgrade to the prevailing A20 appeared first on Smartprix Bytes.
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The real bias on social networks isn’t against conservatives
Today Senate Republicans held a hearing titled “Stifling Free Speech: Technological Censorship and the Public Discourse.” It was the second such hearing to be held in Congress in the past six months — in September, House Republicans put on a similar show, lambasting Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.
Makena Kelly took one for the team and watched it:
Representatives from Facebook and Twitter sparred with Republican lawmakers for hours at the Senate hearing where Cruz, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s panel on the Constitution, pressured industry representatives over deep concerns he and his colleagues have that social media platforms actively censor conservative political speech. But all of the evidence Republicans provided were...
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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested by British police
British police have arrested Julian Assange after Ecuador withdrew his asylum status. The arrest was made at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where the WikiLeaks founder has been claiming asylum since 2012. Assange was carried out of the embassy by authorities, and taken into custody at a central London police station. Assange could be heard pleading that “the UK must resist... this attempt by the Trump administration.” He will now be presented at Westminster Magistrates’ Court.
Assange’s future in the embassy was called into question last year after the president of Ecuador said he would “eventually” have to leave the property and revealed that he was in discussions with British authorities to end his asylum. Assange was also given a n...
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জওয়ানদের মেরে জওয়ান প্রেম দেখাচ্ছে বিজেপি, মন্তব্য মমতার
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Amazon Echo Link and Echo Link Amp Arrive in India, Prices starts at Rs 19,999
Just days after the Amazon Echo Show launch in India, the e-commerce giant has further expanded its smart devices family in the country with the Amazon EchoLink and Amazon Echo Link Amp launch today. These newly launched products fall under Echo companion devices and can be attached to your existing stereo systems. Both the Echo Link and […]
The post Amazon Echo Link and Echo Link Amp Arrive in India, Prices starts at Rs 19,999 appeared first on Smartprix Bytes.
from Smartprix Bytes
The real bias on social networks isn’t against conservatives
Today Senate Republicans held a hearing titled “Stifling Free Speech: Technological Censorship and the Public Discourse.” It was the second such hearing to be held in Congress in the past six months — in September, House Republicans put on a similar show, lambasting Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.
Makena Kelly took one for the team and watched it:
Representatives from Facebook and Twitter sparred with Republican lawmakers for hours at the Senate hearing where Cruz, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s panel on the Constitution, pressured industry representatives over deep concerns he and his colleagues have that social media platforms actively censor conservative political speech. But all of the evidence Republicans provided were...
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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested by British police
British police have arrested Julian Assange after Ecuador withdrew his asylum status. The arrest was made at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where the WikiLeaks founder has been claiming asylum since 2012. Assange was carried out of the embassy by authorities, and taken into custody at a central London police station. Assange could be heard pleading that “the UK must resist... this attempt by the Trump administration.” He will now be presented at Westminster Magistrates’ Court.
Assange’s future in the embassy was called into question last year after the president of Ecuador said he would “eventually” have to leave the property and revealed that he was in discussions with British authorities to end his asylum. Assange was also given a n...
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অন্ধ্রে শাসক-বিরোধী সংঘর্ষ, ইভিএম ভেঙে গ্রেফতার প্রার্থী, ব্যালট ফিরিয়ে আনার দাবি চন্দ্রবাবু নাইডুর
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বিজেপি দার্জিলিঙের মানুষের কথা ভাবে না, এমন কাউকে নির্বাচন করা দরকার, যে আপানাদের ভবিষ্যতের কথা ভাববে, দার্জিলিঙে মন্তব্য মমতার
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মহাজোটের কথা বলছেন, সঙ্গে কারা কারা আছেন? কালিম্পঙে ভোটের প্রচারে এসে মমতাকে আক্রমণে অমিত শাহ
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বাংলায় বিজেপির টার্গেট ২৩টি আসন, কালিম্পঙের সভা থেকে দাবি অমিত শাহের
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কার্তিক আরয়ানের সঙ্গে বিনা হেলমেটে বাইকে চড়ার জন্য সারার বিরুদ্ধে পুলিশের কাছে অভিযোগ দায়ের
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জলপাইগুড়ির নাগরাকাটার ১৬১ নম্বর বুথে তৃণমূল ছাড়া বাকি দলগুলির প্রতীকের ওপর সাদা কাগজ সেঁটে দেওয়া হয়েছে, অভিযোগ আলিপুরদুয়ারের বিজেপি প্রার্থী জন বার্লার
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দিনহাটায় বৃদ্ধ, অশক্ত ভোটারদের ভোট দিতে সাহায্য করার নাম করে ছাপ্পা ভোট দেওয়ার অভিযোগ তৃণমূলের বিরুদ্ধে, প্রতিবাদ করায় মারধর এক দম্পতিকে
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‘ইভিএম খারাপ’, কারচুপির গন্ধ পাচ্ছেন মন্ত্রী রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঘোষ, ‘জওয়ান বিহীন বুথে পুনর্নির্বাচন করতে হবে’, পাল্টা দাবি বিজেপি প্রার্থী নিশীথ প্রামণিকের
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গণতন্ত্রের মহাউৎসব: বার্ধক্যকে তুড়ি মেরে ভোট দিলেন ১০৭ বছরের বৃদ্ধাও
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দেখুন: দিনহাটায় বহিরাগতদের দিয়ে ভোট করানোর অভিযোগ তৃণমূলের বিরুদ্ধে, পরিদর্শনে গিয়ে এক ব্যক্তির সঙ্গে কথা কাটাকাটি বিজেপি প্রার্থী নিশীথ প্রামাণিকের
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দেখুন: শীতলকুচির খবর দেখানোর পর আক্রান্ত এবিপি আনন্দের প্রতিনিধি
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New footage emerges of most notorious Street Fighter moment in history
If you’ve only ever seen one piece of footage of competitive video gaming, there’s a good chance it’s this one: the “Daigo Parry” or “Evo Moment #37,” taken from Daigo Umehara’s Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike semi-final match against Justin Wong at Evo 2004. A legitimate feat of manual dexterity and timing that makes Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice look like Spyro the Dragon, Daigo’s incredible fifteen-parry comeback with just a pixel of health left drove the crowd wild.
Now there’s a whole new way to watch it. Mark Julio, a notable figure in the fighting game community who works on the Evo tournaments among other things, dug up some new footage himself and posted it to YouTube. The audio is almost more interesting than the video, as you can...
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Amazon’s Alexa isn’t just AI — thousands of humans are listening
Amazon, like many other tech companies investing heavily in artificial intelligence, has always been forthright about its Alexa assistant being a work in progress. “The more data we use to train these systems, the better Alexa works, and training Alexa with voice recordings from a diverse range of customers helps ensure Alexa works well for everyone,” reads the company’s Alexa FAQ.
What the company doesn’t tell you explicitly, as highlighted by an in-depth investigation from Bloomberg published this evening, is that one of the only, and often the best, ways Alexa improves over time is by having human beings listen to recordings of your voice requests. Of course, this is all buried in product and service terms few consumers will ever...
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The new Hellboy is a death-metal cover of Guillermo del Toro’s work
There’s a point in Neil Marshall’s Hellboy reboot where a handful of demons get loose on Earth, and the audience can practically hear the film’s special-effects artists rolling up their sleeves and cackling. As the demons tear through crowds of screaming, terrified bystanders, the film breaks down into a bloodbath. Writhing bodies are ripped apart. A man’s face is torn off. Moaning people are skewered on the legs of a walking demon, and heads explode into gushy messes. Why is any of this happening? What in the action that led up to this moment would justify what’s going on? The filmmakers don’t particularly seem to care. It’s enough for them to have gallons of vivid CGI blood spattering the lens, turning the screen into particularly gory...
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Kate McKinnon will play Elizabeth Holmes in a Theranos miniseries for Hulu
In yet another example of a podcast turning into a TV show, Hulu has ordered an adaptation of ABC Nightline’s investigative series, The Dropout, about Elizabeth Holmes and her failed blood-testing company Theranos, with Saturday Night Live and Ghostbusters star Kate McKinnon tapped for the lead role.
Hosted by ABC chief business, economics, and technology correspondent Rebecca Jarvis, The Dropout debuted earlier this year as a six-episode podcast and accompanying documentary series that came after a three-year investigation into Theranos and its founder. Holmes famously dropped out of Stanford to found the company, attracting an incredible amount of attention (and $900 million in investment capital) for her “revolutionary” desktop...
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You can now listen to Apple Podcasts directly on the web
Apple this week updated the web interface for Podcasts to make it cleaner, more streamlined, and easier to navigate. Users can also now play episodes directly from the website, which is a huge, appreciated change from forcing people to load iTunes to listen.
Episodes now get their own landing page, too, which provides show notes and another opportunity to listen. The web interface still offers users the ability to move over to iTunes, which they’ll want to do to read reviews or access trending charts, but generally, the update makes the rumors of Apple phasing out iTunes seem likely. The episode links use a URL instead of, which even further bolsters the iTunes rumors.
Using iTunes to access podcasts...
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Republicans dig into Facebook and Twitter over concerns of ‘conservative bias’
On Wednesday, a panel of mostly Republicans, led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), laid into representatives from Facebook and Twitter over concerns that conservative speech is actively being censored on both platforms.
Representatives from Facebook and Twitter sparred with Republican lawmakers for hours at the Senate hearing where Cruz, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s panel on the Constitution, pressured industry representatives over deep concerns he and his colleagues have that social media platforms actively censor conservative political speech. But all of the evidence Republicans provided were anecdotal stories that representatives from the companies were able to clearly explain away by citing their respective content...
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Audible will now let you keep your membership credits for a full year
Audible is making some changes to its membership program and how it issues credits, which are used to buy audiobooks through the subscription service. Now, any credits earned through Audible will last up to one year, whereas previously they lasted only six months.
The change comes after a class-action lawsuit (and a couple of others) against the Amazon-owned audiobook publisher, which claimed that customers might not have realized that any membership credits they purchased, had been given as a gift, or that had hit a rollover limit would be lost. The suits also alleged that Audible wasn’t transparent about how it charged a customer’s card, by moving to a secondary card on file in the event that the primary one was declined. The lawsuits...
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Why is Twitter mysteriously linking the word ‘People’ to The New York Times?
If you’re on Twitter, here’s an experiment: type “Enemy of the People” in a tweet through Twitter’s web client, then see if it automatically suggests an account for you to tag. For a lot of (if not all) users, this currently brings up The New York Times’ Twitter handle. At first glance, it looks like a pretty weird attack on the Times — and it’s something a number of journalists and other users have noticed this afternoon.
It’s not illogical to think that Twitter’s algorithm has drawn a disquieting link between one of President Donald Trump’s favorite phrases and one of the targets that he most frequently flings it at. But the real issue is apparently less damning and more confusing: Twitter seems to suggest the Times for just about any...
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All of the shows and films Disney is planning for its Disney+ streaming service
Disney is widely expected to unveil its upcoming streaming platform, Disney+, at its Investor Day presentation on April 11th. The company’s foray into streaming video comes as sites like Amazon, Apple, and Netflix have pumped billions of dollars into original content. Disney+ is meant to bring its own massive back catalog to viewers in one place.
Until recently, Disney has worked with Netflix to stream some of its biggest titles, including films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars franchises. Netflix has already canceled a slew of its collaborations with the studio; other movies and TV shows are beginning to disappear from the site.
When Disney+ launches, Disney will effectively end its Vault program — its long-standing...
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New footage emerges of most notorious Street Fighter moment in history
If you’ve only ever seen one piece of footage of competitive video gaming, there’s a good chance it’s this one: the “Daigo Parry” or “Evo Moment #37,” taken from Daigo Umehara’s Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike semi-final match against Justin Wong at Evo 2004. A legitimate feat of manual dexterity and timing that makes Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice look like Spyro the Dragon, Daigo’s incredible fifteen-parry comeback with just a pixel of health left drove the crowd wild.
Now there’s a whole new way to watch it. Mark Julio, a notable figure in the fighting game community who works on the Evo tournaments among other things, dug up some new footage himself and posted it to YouTube. The audio is almost more interesting than the video, as you can...
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Amazon’s Alexa isn’t just AI — thousands of humans are listening
Amazon, like many other tech companies investing heavily in artificial intelligence, has always been forthright about its Alexa assistant being a work in progress. “The more data we use to train these systems, the better Alexa works, and training Alexa with voice recordings from a diverse range of customers helps ensure Alexa works well for everyone,” reads the company’s Alexa FAQ.
What the company doesn’t tell you explicitly, as highlighted by an in-depth investigation from Bloomberg published this evening, is that one of the only, and often the best, ways Alexa improves over time is by having human beings listen to recordings of your voice requests. Of course, this is all buried in product and service terms few consumers will ever...
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The new Hellboy is a death-metal cover of Guillermo del Toro’s work
There’s a point in Neil Marshall’s Hellboy reboot where a handful of demons get loose on Earth, and the audience can practically hear the film’s special-effects artists rolling up their sleeves and cackling. As the demons tear through crowds of screaming, terrified bystanders, the film breaks down into a bloodbath. Writhing bodies are ripped apart. A man’s face is torn off. Moaning people are skewered on the legs of a walking demon, and heads explode into gushy messes. Why is any of this happening? What in the action that led up to this moment would justify what’s going on? The filmmakers don’t particularly seem to care. It’s enough for them to have gallons of vivid CGI blood spattering the lens, turning the screen into particularly gory...
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Kate McKinnon will play Elizabeth Holmes in a Theranos miniseries for Hulu
In yet another example of a podcast turning into a TV show, Hulu has ordered an adaptation of ABC Nightline’s investigative series, The Dropout, about Elizabeth Holmes and her failed blood-testing company Theranos, with Saturday Night Live and Ghostbusters star Kate McKinnon tapped for the lead role.
Hosted by ABC chief business, economics, and technology correspondent Rebecca Jarvis, The Dropout debuted earlier this year as a six-episode podcast and accompanying documentary series that came after a three-year investigation into Theranos and its founder. Holmes famously dropped out of Stanford to found the company, attracting an incredible amount of attention (and $900 million in investment capital) for her “revolutionary” desktop...
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You can now listen to Apple Podcasts directly on the web
Apple this week updated the web interface for Podcasts to make it cleaner, more streamlined, and easier to navigate. Users can also now play episodes directly from the website, which is a huge, appreciated change from forcing people to load iTunes to listen.
Episodes now get their own landing page, too, which provides show notes and another opportunity to listen. The web interface still offers users the ability to move over to iTunes, which they’ll want to do to read reviews or access trending charts, but generally, the update makes the rumors of Apple phasing out iTunes seem likely. The episode links use a URL instead of, which even further bolsters the iTunes rumors.
Using iTunes to access podcasts...
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Republicans dig into Facebook and Twitter over concerns of ‘conservative bias’
On Wednesday, a panel of mostly Republicans, led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), laid into representatives from Facebook and Twitter over concerns that conservative speech is actively being censored on both platforms.
Representatives from Facebook and Twitter sparred with Republican lawmakers for hours at the Senate hearing where Cruz, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s panel on the Constitution, pressured industry representatives over deep concerns he and his colleagues have that social media platforms actively censor conservative political speech. But all of the evidence Republicans provided were anecdotal stories that representatives from the companies were able to clearly explain away by citing their respective content...
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New Report Reveals The Very Troubled Production Of Hellboy
Despite a general sense of disappointment that Guillermo del Toro and Ron Perlman weren’t going to bring us a third film in their series, many people took the announcement of the Hellboy reboot pretty well. After all, at this point, any movie featuring Big Red is better than none at all, and director Neil Marshall and the rest of the cast and crew talked a pretty good game about bringing the antihero back to his horror roots.
But then that first trailer landed and let’s just say it’s hard to remember a summer blockbuster preview that was so poorly received, with many feeling that rather than a new direction for the character, this looked like a bargain basement knock-off of what del Toro had given us, and with much much worse Hellboy makeup to boot.
And though the general public won’t get to weigh in on the film until later this week, the first batch of reviews have surfaced tonight and they’re pretty brutal. Most critics are calling the reboot a complete flop and one of the very worst comic book movies of all-time. Unsurprisingly, then, we’re now hearing that behind the scenes, Hellboy was a nightmare to put together.
According to The Wrap, there were many on-set clashes between Marshall and producers Lloyd Levin and Lawrence Gordon. Apparently, the director wasn’t pleased at all with the final product, which is why he chose to skip the premiere.
The exact details of what parts of it he took issue with are unclear, but sources say “Levin would constantly undermine Marshall in front of cast and crew, that actor David Harbour would refused to do more takes for the director and walked off set numerous times, and that a back-and-forth argument took place over the design of a tree that plays a pivotal role in the film.”
Then there was the issue of firing cinematographer Sam McCurdy, who had worked with Marshall several times in the past. According to The Wrap, giving him the boot was a way of “sending a message” to the director, something he clearly didn’t take too kindly to.
Of course, none of the parties involved, nor the studio, are willing to offer any kind of official statement on The Wrap’s report, but if you’ve seen Hellboy, you’ll know that all of this stuff is perfectly believable, as it really does come across as a very misguided, conflicted piece that clearly didn’t have one singular vision driving it. We can only hope that the character escapes this new effort unscathed and this isn’t the last we see of Big Red in cinemas.
from Movies – We Got This Covered
These Are The Most Brutal Reviews For The New Hellboy Reboot
Across all the many comic book movies and films based on graphic novels, there are a small group of actors who are so perfectly cast, that it’s hard to imagine anyone else in the role.
Think Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, or Heath Ledger as the Joker, or even Hugh Jackman, our lord and saviour, as the iconic Wolverine. Each figure brilliantly embodies their on-screen persona to the point that the line between actor and character becomes more than a little bit blurry.
And for many, Ron Perlman was Hellboy. So much so, in fact, that when David Harbour boarded the upcoming reboot, most people swore it off right away. It turns out that casting a new lead was the least of the film’s problems, though, as it’s apparently a complete mess from top to bottom.
Over on Rotten Tomatoes, it’s currently sitting at a measly 10% and below, you’ll find just a few of the most brutal reviews.
Violence and vulgarity replace the humor and poetry of Guillermo del Toro’s superhero films.
It’s really a series of violent vignettes strung together, getting more and more outlandish and introducing characters at such a blistering pace that you just want it to stop already.
Hellboy is some very ill-advised cinema, and those who enjoy the prospect of cinematic trainwrecks are likely to get some joy out of this. Everyone else… well, you all know where to find the better version.
A soulless, noisy mess of a movie that has far more in common with lesser Underworld or Resident Evil sequels than it does with the work of Guillermo del Toro or Mike Mignola.
Hellboy feels editorially chopped to bits, tonally disjointed and created from clashing perspectives that make for the type of “dark, gritty” reboot that misunderstands why certain “dark, gritty” reboots end up working.
Look, I’m glad expensive movies are R-rated again. But this is the doofiest kind of maturity: boring CGI bloodsprays, F-bombs galore.
The race for worst movie of the year is heating up. You could even say it’s hotter than hell, now that “Hellboy” has taken the lead.
So, there you have it. Clearly, something went very, very wrong behind the scenes here and already we’ve heard troubling reports of clashes between cast and crew, with no one able to get on the same page about what they wanted the film to be. And really, that’s a shame.
Hellboy is such a great character but now, with the reboot looking all but guaranteed to completely bomb at the box office, it’s unlikely we’ll be seeing Big Red in cinemas again anytime soon. Unless, of course, somehow, someway, they can get Guillermo del Toro and Ron Perlman back to finish their trilogy and give us the Hellboy movie we all deserve.
from Movies – We Got This Covered