meta content='PcpJKOmoday5SZ2ES5Jk' name='bulletprofit'/> 05/19/19


Tati Westbrook and James Charles’ new videos are a lesson on how to placate YouTube’s wildest fans

James Charles in his own follow up video.

Beauty YouTuber Tati Westbrook posted a video that lost fellow YouTuber James Charles three million subscribers, and then asked fans to stop unfollowing him. They listened — and showcased a cycle that defines fan culture on YouTube.

After Westbrook’s plea, fans started re-following Charles in droves, with more than 45,000 people hitting subscribe just one day after her second video went up. That video has more than quadrupled since Charles published his own lengthy video about the situation. He also asked fans to stop spreading hate, but the YouTube community needed to pick a side. Fans acted the only way they knew how: subscribe and unsubscribe.

Westbrook began her beauty vlogging career in 2010, and has spent the last nine years...

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Josh Gad And Nicholas Hoult Eyed To Play Penguin In The Batman

With the most recent draft of the script for Matt Reeves’ The Batman said to have been finished late last year, it finally looks like things are beginning to fall into place for the Caped Crusader’s first standalone outing in the DCEU. And while details on the plot and almost everything else are still being kept under lock and key, we do know who the three main villains will be: the Penguin, Catwoman and the Riddler.

Of course, casting for these roles hasn’t been made known just yet, but the fans already have their picks and when it comes to Oswald Cobblepot at least, We Got This Covered can confirm that Josh Gad and Nicholas Hoult are being eyed for the role. While the former has been linked to the Penguin for months now, the latter’s an interesting choice, as it’s been said that the X-Men: Dark Phoenix star was actually one of the top choices to play the Dark Knight.

Speaking to a source close to the production, we understand that Hoult is indeed still being considered for Batman if Warner Bros. doesn’t go with Robert Pattinson. But if the Twilight actor signs on for Batsy, then they may offer Hoult the Penguin instead. And as for Gad, he’s been someone they’ve considered for a while now, but at this point, no final decisions have been made.

That being said, it’s important that whoever takes the role portrays Penguin as the ruthless mob boss that he is. Because of Cobblepot’s violent nature, fans may not be into seeing Josh Gad bring him to life given the actor’s more comedic background. But then again, Hoult seems like a bit of an unexpected choice as well, so who knows what’ll happen.

You may remember there were also rumors a while back that the studio might be eyeing Jonah Hill for the part, after Reeves and Harley Quinn actress Margot Robbie each followed him on social media in a short space of time. That may not mean anything, of course, but if one thing’s for certain, it’s that the question of who’s to play Bruce’s next foe in The Batman remains very much up in the air.

from Movies – We Got This Covered

Avengers: Endgame Fans Are Upset That Scarlett Johansson Is Missing From All-Female BTS Photo

A couple of days ago, Marvel Studios shared a behind-the-scenes photo taken from the all-female team-up sequence in Avengers: Endgame. The pic boasted some serious star power, including nine of the MCU’s most prominent actresses. Some fans, however, have taken issue with a couple of notable absences.

For one thing, despite Valkyrie being present for the final battle, it looks like Tessa Thompson wasn’t on set when the picture was taken. What’s more, many are arguing that this all-female line-up feels incomplete without Scarlett Johansson. Of course, from a logistical perspective, it makes perfect sense that the Black Widow actress isn’t in the photo. After all, Natasha Romanoff was killed off before the start of Endgame’s final battle. Nonetheless, if you ask some Twitter users, it’s still a shame to see the founding Avenger excluded from the image:

There’s been talk for a while now about the possibility of an all-female Avengers movie, albeit with little evidence to suggest that such a project is currently in the works. If, however, an A-Force film ever happens, we wouldn’t bet on Johansson making an appearance, given her character’s sad fate in Avengers: Endgame.

Speaking of which, Black Widow’s mid-movie demise has been the subject of some controversy in recent weeks. In particular, many viewers have decried the moment as an example of the “fridging” trope, where a female character is killed off to motivate the men.

Co-directors Anthony and Joe Russo have responded to the criticism by arguing that Nat’s sacrifice was a fitting and noble completion of her arc. All the same, if you feel the heroine got short-changed in her latest outing, then you may want to check out the Black Widow solo movie that’s expected to hit theaters next year.

from Movies – We Got This Covered

Tati Westbrook and James Charles’ new videos are a lesson on how to placate YouTube’s wildest fans

James Charles in his own follow up video.

Beauty YouTuber Tati Westbrook posted a video that lost fellow YouTuber James Charles three million subscribers, and then asked fans to stop unfollowing him. They listened — and showcased a cycle that defines fan culture on YouTube.

After Westbrook’s plea, fans started re-following Charles in droves, with more than 45,000 people hitting subscribe just one day after her second video went up. That video has more than quadrupled since Charles published his own lengthy video about the situation. He also asked fans to stop spreading hate, but the YouTube community needed to pick a side. Fans acted the only way they knew how: subscribe and unsubscribe.

Westbrook began her beauty vlogging career in 2010, and has spent the last nine years...

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20 years ago, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace changed movies forever

On May 19th, 1999, George Lucas changed movies forever. The long-anticipated Star Wars prequel Episode I: The Phantom Menace hit theaters, returning to a world that fans had thought they’d never see again. For some, excitement turned to confusion, puzzlement, and outright anger by the time the credits rolled, and Lucas’s grand cinematic experiment was off to a rocky start. Looking back at the film two decades later, The Phantom Menace proved to be a precursor for the cinematic environment that we now find ourselves in. It was a special effects revolution, the first inkling that stories might never end, and a film where the director and cast faced enormous pushback from fans.

In 2019, we live in a world where massive, interconnected...

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MJ Discovers Peter’s Secret In New Spider-Man: Far From Home Clip

So much for secret identities. The list of friends and family who know that (spoiler alert!) Peter Parker is Spider-Man just keeps getting longer. Tony Stark, Aunt May, Ned and now, M.J.

We knew from the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer that Mary Jane…oops…Michelle Jones had figured out Peter’s little secret. But in a short and funny clip recently released on YouTube, Ned, played by Jacob Batalon, walks in on MJ and Spidey together in the same room. Peter blurts out, “She knows, I told her,” but M.J. says she found out on her own.

The look on Ned’s face will take you back to Spider-Man: Homecoming, when he found out Peter was the web-slinger. In fact, I can still hear the sickening crunch of that 4,000-piece LEGO Death Star hitting the floor. Thank goodness he wasn’t carrying a model of a Helicarrier this time.

Even more amusing is whatever Peter’s wearing in the clip. He’s on vacation with his friends, so he left his Spider-Man suit at home. We’re not entirely sure what he’s doing wearing what looks like a cat-spider costume in the room, but it’s almost as bad as the time Pepper walked in on Tony having his suit removed by those big robotic arms and he reminded her that she’d walked in on him doing worse things. Speaking of which, something tells me there are going to be plenty of moments, both obvious and not so obvious, in Far From Home that remind us of the late, great Iron Man.

Zendaya’s M.J. never ceases to surprise us with how she acts around Peter though, both giving him crap and not taking any crap from him or anyone else. It’ll be interesting to see how she acts around him now that she knows his secret. We’ll find that, and many more multiverse-related mysteries, out when Spider-Man: Far From Home swings into theaters on July 2nd.

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ঘাসের জমিতে পদ্ম চাষ, কংগ্রেস ক্ষয়িষ্ণু, মুছে যাবে বাম- ইঙ্গিত নিয়েলসেনের সমীক্ষায়

<strong>কলকাতা:</strong> ২০১৯ লোকসভা নির্বাচনে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের ৪২ আসনের মধ্যে কতগুলো আসন পাচ্ছে তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস? কতগুলো আসন পাবে বিজেপি? গড় ধরে রাখতে পারবে কংগ্রেস? বামেরাই বা কটি আসন পাবে? নিয়লসেনের সমীক্ষা অনুযায়ী, ২০১৯ পশ্চিমবঙ্গ নির্বাচনে ২৪টি আসন পেতে পারে তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস। শাসক দলের আসন সংখ্যা কমতে পারে অন্তত ১০টি। বিজেপি ২ থেকে বেড়ে হতে পারে ১৬।

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20 years ago, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace changed movies forever

On May 19th, 1999, George Lucas changed movies forever. The long-anticipated Star Wars prequel Episode I: The Phantom Menace hit theaters, returning to a world that fans had thought they’d never see again. For some, excitement turned to confusion, puzzlement, and outright anger by the time the credits rolled, and Lucas’s grand cinematic experiment was off to a rocky start. Looking back at the film two decades later, The Phantom Menace proved to be a precursor for the cinematic environment that we now find ourselves in. It was a special effects revolution, the first inkling that stories might never end, and a film where the director and cast faced enormous pushback from fans.

In 2019, we live in a world where massive, interconnected...

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মোদি, তাঁর বাহিনীর কাছে ‘আত্মসমর্পণ করেছে’ কমিশন, তোপ রাহুলের

নয়াদিল্লি: নির্বাচন কমিশনের তীব্র সমালোচনা রাহুল গাঁধীর। রবিবার সাত দফার ভোটগ্রহণ পর্বের শেষদিনে কমিশনকে কাঠগড়ায় তুলে তিনি অভিযোগ করেন, প্রধানমন্ত্রী নরেন্দ্র মোদির প্রতি পক্ষপাতিত্ব করছে তারা। অভিযোগের সমর্থনে উত্তরাখন্ডের কেদারনাথে মোদির সফর সহ একাধিক উদাহরণের উল্লেখ করেন তিনি। বলেন, প্রধানমন্ত্রীর কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করেছে কমিশন। নির্বাচনী বন্ড, ইভিএম

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সপ্তম দফা, কেন্দ্র ৯ - লড়াইয়ে রুপোলি পর্দার তারকা থেকে রাজনীতির হেভিওয়েটরা, সব আপডেট সবার আগে, কার দখলে দিল্লি, পর্ব-৩

সপ্তম দফা, কেন্দ্র ৯ - লড়াইয়ে রুপোলি পর্দার তারকা থেকে রাজনীতির হেভিওয়েটরা, সব আপডেট সবার আগে, কার দখলে দিল্লি, পর্ব-৩

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সপ্তম দফা, কেন্দ্র ৯ - লড়াইয়ে রুপোলি পর্দার তারকা থেকে রাজনীতির হেভিওয়েটরা, সব আপডেট সবার আগে, কার দখলে দিল্লি, পর্ব-২

সপ্তম দফা, কেন্দ্র ৯ - লড়াইয়ে রুপোলি পর্দার তারকা থেকে রাজনীতির হেভিওয়েটরা, সব আপডেট সবার আগে, কার দখলে দিল্লি, পর্ব-২

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সপ্তম দফা, কেন্দ্র ৯ - লড়াইয়ে রুপোলি পর্দার তারকা থেকে রাজনীতির হেভিওয়েটরা, সব আপডেট সবার আগে, কার দখলে দিল্লি, পর্ব-১

সপ্তম দফা, কেন্দ্র ৯ - লড়াইয়ে রুপোলি পর্দার তারকা থেকে রাজনীতির হেভিওয়েটরা, সব আপডেট সবার আগে, কার দখলে দিল্লি, পর্ব-১

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A million fans sign Game of Thrones petition, but it won’t stop them from being killed off tonight

As fans prepare for the longest night — a world without Game of Thrones — many are still hanging on for dear life. A petition to remake the controversial final season has crossed a million signatures on, and is currently featured on the site’s front page above real causes, like asking CVS to donate food instead of throwing it in the trash. “David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have proven themselves to be woefully incompetent writers,” the petition says. “This series deserves a final season that makes sense.”

Yes — it’s obviously a hopeless gesture of frustration and not a real effort for change, and even Dylan, the petition’s creator, admits its folly. In a follow-up post on May 17th, Dylan says “I don’t think people can reasonably...

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A million fans sign Game of Thrones petition, but it won’t stop them from being killed off tonight

As fans prepare for the longest night — a world without Game of Thrones — many are still hanging on for dear life. A petition to remake the controversial final season has crossed a million signatures on, and is currently featured on the site’s front page above real causes, like asking CVS to donate food instead of throwing it in the trash. “David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have proven themselves to be woefully incompetent writers,” the petition says. “This series deserves a final season that makes sense.”

Yes — it’s obviously a hopeless gesture of frustration and not a real effort for change, and even Dylan, the petition’s creator, admits its folly. In a follow-up post on May 17th, Dylan says “I don’t think people can reasonably...

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বিজেপি-বিরোধী মহাজোট গঠনের লক্ষ্যে সনিয়া, রাহুল, পওয়ার, ইয়েচুরির সঙ্গে দ্বিতীয় দফায় বৈঠক চন্দ্রবাবুর

নয়াদিল্লি: কেন্দ্রে নরেন্দ্র মোদি, বিজেপির ক্ষমতায় প্রত্যাবর্তন রুখতে বিরোধী মহাজোট গঠনের প্রয়াস বহাল রয়েছে চন্দ্রবাবু নাইডুর। তেলুগু দেশম পার্টি (টিডিপি) সুপ্রিমো তথা অন্ধ্রপ্রদেশের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী রবিবার সনিয়া গাঁধী, রাহুল গাঁধী, শরদ পাওয়ার, সীতারাম ইয়েচুরি প্রমুখ বিরোধী নেতা, নেত্রীর সঙ্গে বৈঠক করেন। গতকাল তিনি এলজেডি নেতা শরদ যাদব সহ একাধিক বিরোধী

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Keanu Reeves Says He’d Love To Play Constantine Again

Before we begin, let’s make one thing very clear, as an adaptation of DC’s Hellblazer comics, 2005’s Constantine was a travesty. Keanu Reeves is nothing like the punkish, British John Constantine from the page and the film takes some pretty major liberties with the character.

However, if you’re able to disassociate the movie from its source material, or if you just don’t know much about the property in general, it’s actually a pretty entertaining ride. Its theological themes make it much smarter than other supernatural actioners that were hitting theaters around at the time, like the Underworld movies, and there was a lot of genuine imagination on show, too.

It’s kind of a shame, then, that we never saw a sequel, and it seems that Reeves feels that way as well. Speaking in a recent interview with Variety, the actor said he’d love to play the character again.

“I’ve always wanted to play John Constantine again. I just love that world, too, and I love that character. I just had a blast playing a character and [playing] in that world.”

Given that Keanu Reeves was hot off The Matrix trilogy at the time, that’s probably why he landed the gig, and as much as we loved him as Neo and more recently, John Wick, Constantine just wasn’t the best fit for him. Still, with the actor seeing something of a career resurgence as of late, we wouldn’t have a problem with him trying his hand at it again.

That being said, with the character now being played by Matt Ryan on television, and finding much success, we can’t imagine Reeves will get his wish. At this point, if anyone’s going to be bringing Constantine to the big screen, it’s going to be the aforementioned Legends of Tomorrow star. And frankly, that’s probably for the best.

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