meta content='PcpJKOmoday5SZ2ES5Jk' name='bulletprofit'/> 06/02/20


Mohammed Shami Lends Helping Hand to Migrants, Distributes Food & Masks

While the world is going through coronavirus pandemic, and everything has come to a standstill, there are heroes who are trying to work in the interest of poor and the needy.

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SKK vs GHG Dream11 Predictions, Dream11 Finnish Premier League T20 2020, SKK Stadin ja Keravan Kriketti vs GYM Helsinki Gymkhana  Playing XI, Cricket Fantasy Tips

SKK vs GHG Dream11 Predictions, Dream11 Finnish Premier League T20 2020, SKK Stadin ja Keravan Kriketti vs GYM Helsinki Gymkhana  Playing XI, Cricket Fantasy Tips

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Are You Not Seeing What’s Happening: Daren Sammy Urges ICC to Stand up Against Racism

Former West Indies captain Daren Sammy has spoken strongly against the killing if George Floyd in USA, and has now urged the ICC & all the other boards in the world to come together and fight the evil.

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Ramiz Raja Says No to Coaching Pakistan in Future, Believes Doesn't Have Temperament

Pakistan cricketers, former and current, usually find a way to connect with the fans and this time around Ramiz Raja spoke on a Youtube Channel.

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'Yuvraj Singh Apologise' Trends on Twitter After Disparaging Comment on Yuzvendra Chahal

Yuvraj, in one of his video interviews with India opener Rohit Sharma, called Chahal a ‘bhangi’ (a casteist remark) referring to the latter’s popular TikTok videos.

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Was Ridiculed for Wanting to Play for Pakistan in Wasim-Waqar Era: Shoaib Akhtar

“A lot of people used to tell me ‘How can you replace Wasim Akram and Waqar Younis, are you mad?’ There are thousands of bowlers who have come and left. I said, ‘No you don’t understand. They never had my attitude’,” Akhtar said.

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South Africa Players Likely to Resume Training from Next Week: Report

The South African cricketers are likely to resume training from next week and may feature in an exhibition event later this month, provided they get the nod from their government.

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Justice League Snyder Cut May Not Be Plagued By Henry Cavill’s Mustache

There were so many things wrong with the original release of Justice League, starting with its turbulent production. Zack Snyder stepped away from the project due to a personal tragedy and Joss Whedon came in to finish it. The result was a hodgepodge of scattered and half-baked ideas. This even gave credence to the idea that a superior version of the movie, the Snyder Cut, was left on the cutting room floor. The execs at Warner Brothers clearly bought into that idea and now we’ll get to see what that Snyder Cut is all about.

Another major sticking point of the film was Henry Cavill’s mustache. During the reshoots of Justice League, Cavill was attached to Mission: Impossible – Fallout and had grown out his facial hair, just the bit above his upper lip. But instead of shaving it off, the glorious growth was removed through the magic of digital wizardry. Using CGI to do the job wasn’t quite as effective as a razor, though, so we all got a chance to see the weirdly botched looking face of the Man of Steel and #Mustachegate was born. It also cost a pretty sum.

Will this be an issue in the upcoming HBO Max re-release of the movie, though? Maybe not, as some corrective measures are being worked on to avoid another debacle of a similar nature. Apparently, there are rumors that the special effects studio working on the Snyder Cut might do a reshoot of Cavill’s sequences in the studio and then replace the old footage with the fresh takes. The special effects insider who spoke to Heroic Hollywood explained the process and its feasibility, saying:

“If Cavill were to go into the studio, and assuming that he’s in the relative same shape. It might be easier to reshoot his whole body and performance and paint out the old footage and replace it with the new and current special-effects footage. A lot also depends on the complexity of the shots Snyder wants to use and how many they have to do.”

This sounds like some seriously expensive editing work, but with reports of a staggering budget of around $80 million, Snyder might have already accounted for these edits. Although, it all hinges on how much better Superman’s face will look in this iteration of Justice League than the previously seen footage. This might even mark Cavill’s return to the role of Clark Kent in the DCEU and if so, you can be sure that the team will do everything they can to get it right when he comes in for reshoots.

from Movies – We Got This Covered

Liam Plunkett Keen to Play for USA After England Snub

England fast bowler Liam Plunkett has said that he would be open to playing for USA in the future. The 35-year-old, whose wife is American, has not been in the national side since the World Cup 2019, and was also not included in the list of 55 players who were asked to return to training last week.

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Star Wars, Marvel, Disney And More Show Support For Black Lives Matter

The Walt Disney Company is usually deathly allergic to politics. No doubt they’ve concluded that supporting one side means alienating the other, so their movies and TV shows generally put forward a soft inclusive liberalism without ever committing to a specific political position. At least, that’s the case in normal times.

But right now things are anything but normal. The country is currently facing mass civil unrest after the murder of George Floyd by killer cop Derek Chauvin. By now the world has seen the incredibly disturbing video of Chauvin with his knee on Floyd’s neck, squeezing the life out of the terrified man. This has quite rightly kicked off a wave of civil unrest across the country, drawing a line in the sand between those that would perpetuate racism and those that tacitly or overtly support it.

This has put Disney (and their subsidiary companies) in an awkward position, facing internal pressure from their employees and external pressure from their fans to take a stand. Now, they’ve released a statement, tweeted simultaneously from the @StarWars, @MarvelStudios, @Pixar and @Disney accounts, and you can check it out down below.

Predictably, reactions have been mixed. While many have congratulated Disney for the message, some have quite reasonably pointed out that it’s still a very milquetoast message that makes no commitment to actually do anything. A particularly pointed response parodied typical corporate messaging on this, saying:

“We at [Brand] are committed to fighting injustice by posting images on Twitter that express our commitment to fighting injustice. To that end, we offer this solemn white-on-black .jpeg that expresses vague solidarity with the Black community, but will quietly elide the specifics or what is wrong, what needs to change, or in what ways we will do anything about it. this is doubly true if [Brand] is particularly guilty of exacerbating these issues.

We hope this action encourages you to view [Brand] positively without, you know, expecting anything from us.”

Let’s face it, nobody is expecting to see Mickey and Donald on the barricades throwing gas canisters back at cops, so I suppose messaging like this is the most we can hope for from major companies like the Mouse House. Fortunately, individuals associated with them – like Star Wars‘ John Boyega aren’t so shy. Boyega has spent the last few days signal-boosting videos of the cops trying to arrest a black FBI Agent they assumed was a criminal, guides to protesting safely and promoting British-based protests in support of the US movement. And honestly, good for him.

from Movies – We Got This Covered

Spider-Man Fans Wishing Tom Holland A Happy Birthday

Happy birthday, Tom Holland! Marvel fans are flocking to social media today (June 1st) to wish the British actor many happy returns. The Spider-Man star, who’s appeared as the webslinger a total of five times so far, turns 24 today.

Holland’s been acting for years, getting his big break in the Billy Elliot stage musical and starring in the acclaimed drama The Impossible, but it was landing the role of Peter Parker in the MCU that properly launched his career. In 2016, he made his Marvel debut in Captain America: Civil War and most recently appeared in 2019’s Spider-Man: Far From Home. 

Here are just a few of the well wishes going around on Twitter from Spidey lovers and Holland-heads alike.

Nice piece!

Not a bad combination to be.

Lucky guy!

Holland looking sharp with E.D.I.T.H.


The one and only!

Here it comes. As a great man once said…

Given that Civil War was followed by 2017’s Spider-Man: Homecoming and 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War, 2020 is actually the first time since 2015 that we won’t have any of Holland’s wall-crawler to watch on the big screen. That’s a bit of a bummer, but at least we know he’s coming back in Spider-Man 3That was set for next summer, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic holding up production, it’s now out in November 2021 instead.

Away from the MCU, Holland has got a bunch of projects on the horizon as well. He’s reuniting with the Russo brothers for drama movie Cherrystarring alongside Batman actor Robert Pattinson in The Devil All the Time and teaming up with Star Wars’ Daisy Ridley for the long-delayed Chaos Walking. Likewise, he’s still attached to play Nathan Drake in the Uncharted movie, which was recently yet again pushed back due to the lockdown.

Hap-hap-hap happy birthday, Tom Holland! May you swing by our screens as Spider-Man again soon.

from Movies – We Got This Covered

The Batman Concept Art Reveals New Look At The Batmobile

Production on The Batman began in late January and before it was shut down due to COVID-19, director Matt Reeves had been sharing some images of what fans can expect. We got our first look at Robert Pattinson in the titular role, and we also got a glimpse of the new Batmobile.

While those images were a bit filtered, some new photos reveal a better look at the newly modeled car. Concept model maker Jeff Frost posted shots of what the vehicle could look like on his website and also shared them on Twitter. As you can see below, it looks like the old Adam West Batmobile on steroids. I’m also getting an animated Transformers feel as it’s quite boxy. But it’s a welcome change to the cars we’ve seen in the past. It’s definitely a more modern muscle car and it’s far more practical looking than most of the previous Batmobiles, which weren’t exactly subtle.

In addition to the bike which we’ve already seen, it looks like Reeves is really focusing on making his Batman movie as real as possible. For at least the first film, there’s nothing showy about anything. It’s going to be a gritty detective story and the director is pushing hard for an R-rating.

Of course, there’ve been so many iterations of the iconic hero on the big screen at this point that it seems almost impossible to see anything fresh. But Reeves is focusing on aspects of the character that he feels haven’t been explored in past movies.

“It’s very much a point of view-driven, noir Batman tale,” the director explained. “It’s told very squarely on his shoulders, and I hope it’s going to be a story that will be thrilling but also emotional. It’s more Batman in his detective mode than we’ve seen in the films. The comics have a history of that. He’s supposed to be the world’s greatest detective, and that’s not necessarily been a part of what the movies have been. I’d love this to be one where when we go on that journey of tracking down the criminals and trying to solve a crime, it’s going to allow his character to have an arc so that he can go through a transformation.”

We’ve rarely seen the Caped Crusader gathering evidence or examining records. What about a stakeout? Batman can’t exactly roll up in the Tumbler and expect to not be seen. If he’s going to be a great detective, he needs to blend in a little more. And based on these photos of the new Batmobile, he’s going to be doing just that.

from Movies – We Got This Covered