meta content='PcpJKOmoday5SZ2ES5Jk' name='bulletprofit'/> 09/05/18


'এ তো এক দশক ধরে শুনে আসছি', কোহলির ‘সীমা ছাড়াতে হবে’ মন্তব্যকে খোঁচা দিয়ে বললেন সহবাগ

নয়াদিল্লি: ইংল্যান্ডের কাছে টেস্ট সিরিজ খোয়ানোর পর প্রাক্তন ভারতীয় ক্রিকেটারদের একাংশ টিম কোহলির সমালোচনায় মুখর হয়েছেন। ভারতীয় দলের প্রাক্তন ওপেনার বীরেন্দ্র সহবাগও টিম ইন্ডিয়াকে নিশানা করেছেন। সাউদাম্পটন টেস্টে হেরে সিরিজ খোয়ানোর পর অধিনায়ক বিরাট কোহলি বলেন, বিদেশের মাটিতে লড়াই করে সন্তুষ্ট থাকার দিন শেষ। এবার ওই সীমা পার করার কৌশল শিখতে হবে। তিনি বলেছিলেন, এবার ফলাফল অনুকূলে আনার কৌশল শিখতে হবে। আমাদের মধ্যে ক্ষমতা রয়েছে। তাই জয়ের এতটা কাছাকাছি আসতে পারছি। এখন চাপের পরিস্থিতি মোকাবিলার করার উপায় রপ্ত করতে হবে। সহবাগ বলেছেন, বিদেশের মাটিতে কোনও সিরিজে একটা ম্যাচ জেতা তো অনেক আগেই আমরা করেছিলাম। ওই সময় আমরা অস্ট্রেলিয়া, ইংল্যান্ড, দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকায় সিরিজ ড্র করেছি। কিন্তু সিরিজ জিততে পারিনি। কিন্তু ২০১১ থেকে ২০১৪ আমরা বিদেশে সিরিজ হেরেছি। আমাদের সময়ে এমন ব্যাটসম্যান ছিল, যারা রান করতে পারত। কিন্তু এমন বোলার ছিল না যারা ২০ উইকেট নিতে পারে। তো সেই সমস্যা তো আজও রয়েই গিয়েছে। আজ বোলার আছে তো এমন ব্যাটসম্যান নেই যারা রান করতে পারে। এই সিরিজে কত বার আমরা ৮ ইনিংসে স্কোরবোর্ডে ৩০০ বা তার বেশি রান করতে পেরেছি? ব্যাটসম্যানরা বোর্ডে ৪০০ রান তুলতে পারলে তবেই টেস্ট ম্যাচ জেতা যায়। আমরা চেষ্টা করছি, তবে সীমার ওই পারে যেতে পারছি না, পরের সিরিজে চেষ্টা করব, এ সব কথা বলা তো খুবই সহজ। এরকম কথা তো এক দশক ধরে শুনে আসছি।

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দার্জিলিঙে প্রস্তাবিত গ্রিনফিল্ড বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ভিত্তিপ্রস্তর উদ্বোধন করে শিক্ষক দিবসে স্মৃতি রোমন্থন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের

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মাঝেরহাট সেতু দুর্ঘটনা, ঘটনাস্থলের বর্তমান পরিস্থিতি কেমন, জানালেন আমাদের প্রতিনিধি

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মাঝেরহাট উড়ালপুল ভাঙার জের, বিভিন্ন রাস্তায় ঘুরিয়ে দেওয়া হচ্ছে যান, সমস্যায় মানুষ

মাঝেরহাট উড়ালপুল ভেঙে পড়ার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে বিভিন্ন রাস্তায় ঘুরিয়ে দেওয়া হচ্ছে বাস, গাড়ি। ফলে সমস্যায় পড়েছেন পথচলতি মানুষ। হাইড রোডের ছবি তুলে ধরেছেন আমাদের প্রতিনিধি

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Vivo announces V11 with in-display fingerprint sensor and yet another notch shape

Vivo has announced the V11, a new phone bound for India. The V11 follows the V9 from earlier this year, and combines elements from Vivo’s X21 and sister company Oppo’s new F9.

Like the F9, the V11 has a new slimmed-down design for the display notch; while Oppo calls its version the “Waterdrop Screen,” Vivo’s take is called the “Halo Fullview Display.” The shape is actually a little different on the V11, with a more acute angle on the curve that stays closer to the circle of the selfie camera lens. I’d say it’s the smallest notch I’ve seen yet.

The other feature that helps Vivo maximize screen-to-body ratio is the in-display fingerprint sensor, which at this point is basically the company’s trademark. It works the same way as on other...

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Canon announces EOS R full-frame mirrorless camera

Will Not Request India to Play With Us, Says New PCB Chief Ehsan Mani

"If it was at an earlier stage, I could have sat with the BCCI at the table to sort this out, but the process has started and gone too far to be pulled back."

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Holland's Six Wicket-Haul Eclipses Agarwal's Plucky Knock As Australia A Take 1-0 Lead Over India A

Left-arm spinner Jon Holland spun a web around the India A batsmen as Australia A completed a 98-run victory on the final day of the first four-day match at the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru on Wednesday.

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Holland's Six Wicket-Haul Eclipses Agarwal's Plucky Knock As Australia A Gain 1-0 Lead Over India A

Left-arm spinner Jon Holland spun a web around the India A batsmen as Australia A completed a 98-run victory on the final day of the first four-day match at the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru on Wednesday.

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The Door to 2019 World Cup is Still Open For Hafeez, Says Inzamam

He might have been left out of the squad for the Asia Cup but Mohammad Hafeez very much remains to be a part of Pakistan's plans for the 2019 World Cup, confirmed chairman of selectors Inzamam-ul-Haq.

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১৫ দফা দাবিতে বাম কৃষক, শ্রমিক সংগঠনগুলির ডাকে আজ সংসদ অভিযান

<strong>নয়াদিল্লি</strong>: কিষাণ সভা, সর্বভারতীয় কৃষি শ্রমিক ইউনিয়ন ও সিটু-র ডাকে আজ কৃষক ও শ্রমিকদের সংসদ অভিযান। পার্লামেন্ট স্ট্রিট থেকে যন্তরমন্তর পর্যন্ত যাবে মিছিল। নয়াদিল্লিতে পৌঁছে গিয়েছেন কয়েক হাজার কৃষক ও শ্রমিক। শ্রম আইনের উপযুক্ত রূপায়ণ, ন্যূনতম মজুরি ১৮ হাজার টাকা করা, কর্মসংস্থান বৃদ্ধি, এক কোটি অঙ্গনওয়াড়ি ও আশা কর্মীদের স্বীকৃতি সহ ১৫ দফা দাবিতে হবে এই মিছিল। কিষাণ সভার সাধারণ সম্পাদক হান্নান মোল্লা বলেছেন, ‘সরকারের নীতি কৃষক, কৃষির সঙ্গে যুক্ত কর্মী ও শ্রমিকদের স্বার্থ-বিরোধী। এই সরকারের নীতি শিল্পপতিদের স্বার্থের পক্ষে, মানুষের জন্য নয়। এই প্রথম আমরা যৌথভাবে আমাদের সবার শত্রুর বিরুদ্ধে বিক্ষোভ দেখানোর সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছি। আমাদের দাবি, সরকারের নীতি বদল করতে হবে।’ সিটু-র সাধারণ সম্পাদক তপন সেন জানিয়েছেন, অনেক শ্রমিক, কর্মী ও শিক্ষকদের সংগঠন এই মিছিলকে সমর্থন জানিয়েছে। সংসদে মিছিল পৌঁছনোর পর পরবর্তী কর্মসূচির কথা ঘোষণা করা হবে।

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১৫ দফা দাবিতে বাম কৃষক, শ্রমিক সংগঠনগুলির ডাকে আজ সংসদ অভিযান

<strong>নয়াদিল্লি</strong>: কিষাণ সভা, সর্বভারতীয় কৃষি শ্রমিক ইউনিয়ন ও সিটু-র ডাকে আজ কৃষক ও শ্রমিকদের সংসদ অভিযান। পার্লামেন্ট স্ট্রিট থেকে যন্তরমন্তর পর্যন্ত যাবে মিছিল। নয়াদিল্লিতে পৌঁছে গিয়েছেন কয়েক হাজার কৃষক ও শ্রমিক। শ্রম আইনের উপযুক্ত রূপায়ণ, ন্যূনতম মজুরি ১৮ হাজার টাকা করা, কর্মসংস্থান বৃদ্ধি, এক কোটি অঙ্গনওয়াড়ি ও আশা কর্মীদের স্বীকৃতি সহ ১৫ দফা দাবিতে হবে এই মিছিল। কিষাণ সভার সাধারণ সম্পাদক হান্নান মোল্লা বলেছেন, ‘সরকারের নীতি কৃষক, কৃষির সঙ্গে যুক্ত কর্মী ও শ্রমিকদের স্বার্থ-বিরোধী। এই সরকারের নীতি শিল্পপতিদের স্বার্থের পক্ষে, মানুষের জন্য নয়। এই প্রথম আমরা যৌথভাবে আমাদের সবার শত্রুর বিরুদ্ধে বিক্ষোভ দেখানোর সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছি। আমাদের দাবি, সরকারের নীতি বদল করতে হবে।’ সিটু-র সাধারণ সম্পাদক তপন সেন জানিয়েছেন, অনেক শ্রমিক, কর্মী ও শিক্ষকদের সংগঠন এই মিছিলকে সমর্থন জানিয়েছে। সংসদে মিছিল পৌঁছনোর পর পরবর্তী কর্মসূচির কথা ঘোষণা করা হবে।

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Canon announces EOS R full-frame mirrorless camera

Canon has announced its first full-frame mirrorless camera and lens system, both called EOS R. Coming shortly after rival Nikon announced its own full-frame mirrorless cameras, the announcement of the EOS R means both Japanese camera giants are now taking high-end mirrorless seriously after years of putting out half-hearted responses to the likes of Sony and Fujifilm.

As previously leaked, the EOS R camera is built around a 30.3-megapixel full-frame sensor with an ISO range of 100-40,000. The sensor uses dual-pixel autofocus and is paired with Canon’s DIGIC 8 image processor. There’s a fully articulated touchscreen as well as an OLED electronic viewfinder and an information panel on the top of the camera.

While the camera basically...

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Kuldeep Yadav Still Adjusting to Challenges of Red-Ball Cricket

Kuldeep believes he needs a bit more seasoning before he can make the step up to the longest format of the game

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Evernote slashes price of Premium subscription as many executives depart

Evernote is currently offering a sale on its Premium membership, slashing its yearly subscription price from $70 down to a much more reasonable $42. The company offered the same deal earlier this year. If you’re interested in grabbing the deal, it’s available now on Evernote’s site. It only applies if you pay one lump sum for the annual subscription.

Meanwhile, Evernote has confirmed to TechCrunch that in the past month the company has lost many senior executives, including its CTO Anirban Kundu, CFO Vincent Toolan, CPO Erik Wrobel and head of HR Michelle Wagner. The company did not comment on a reason for the departures, but a source close to the matter tells TechCrunch that “Evernote is in a death spiral... Paid user growth and active...

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Netflix and YouTube are most throttled mobile apps by US carriers, new study says

Since the demise of net neutrality, US telecoms have increased the amount of throttling they impose on customers trying to watch mobile video through services like Netflix and YouTube, according to new research from a group of researchers at Northeastern University and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The study, the findings of which were published first by Bloomberg today, reveals the extent to which companies like AT&T and Verizon have taken advantage of lax government regulation under President Donald Trump to limit data speeds for customers.

This isn’t presenting entirely new information. All four big carriers in the US now offer unlimited data plans that restrict streaming video on mobile devices to 480p by default, in an...

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Instagram is building a standalone app for shopping

Instagram is working on a new standalone app dedicated to shopping, The Verge has learned. The app — which may be called IG Shopping — will let users browse collections of goods from merchants that they follow and purchase them directly within the app, according to two people familiar with the matter. Instagram declined to comment.

It could not be learned when the app might launch. Its development is still ongoing, and it could be canceled before it is released. But sources familiar with its development say Instagram believes it is well positioned to make a major expansion into e-commerce.

More than 25 million businesses already have Instagram accounts, and 2 million of them are advertisers, Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl...

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How Amazon and eBay became a tax haven for Chinese sellers

For years, Amazon customers in Europe have enjoyed the shopping giant’s ability to deliver everything from best-selling books to phone chargers within days, if not hours, at prices that brick-and-mortar retailers often cannot match. Much like in the United States, online sales are eating up physical retail market shares. By 2023, it’s predicted that 21 percent of all non-grocery retail sales in Europe’s biggest economies will be online, up from just 13 percent last year. But, increasingly, the large digital platforms, which also operate as marketplaces for third-party sellers, have come under fire for helping foreign retailers skirt taxes.

In the EU, practically all marketplace sellers are required to report and pay a sales tax called...

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Skype’s latest version now has call recording built in

Skype announced today that call recording is now available in the latest version of the app on most platforms, except Windows 10. This is the first time Skype has offered built-in call recording since it was first released almost 15 years ago.

To record a call in Skype, click the + symbol at the bottom of the screen and then select “start recording.” Once started, a banner will appear letting everyone on the Skype call know that it is being recorded. If you are recording a video call, the recording will capture everyone’s video as well as any shared screens. The recording all happens in the cloud, and when the call is done, it’s then posted to your chat and will be available to download and share with other Skype contacts for 30 days.


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Apple Watch remains best-selling wearable with 4.7 million shipments last quarter

Apple Watch

Apple maintained its position at the top of the smartwatch sales chart last quarter, selling 4.7 million Apple Watches and capturing 17 percent of the global market, according to a report published today by research firm IDC. Apple now remains just ahead of Xiaomi, which trailed Apple by two percentage points in market share and 500,000 unit shipments in the second quarter of the year.

Fitbit, Huawei, and Garmin are far behind, with IDC reporting that higher demand for more fully featured smartwatches is driving demand for Apple products and reducing the popularity of lower-cost fitness trackers. IDC stresses that this is a natural cycle for consumer electronics and that fitness-focused devices will still have a place in the market...

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China’s top streaming service hides video view counts after click farms inflated numbers

China’s top streaming service iQiyi is turning off view counts on all of its videos. Instead, videos will be evaluated for popularity based on a new system to “underline the company’s commitment to the highest quality content.”

iQiyi is mostly known for its polished productions like the new historical drama Story of Yanxi Palace about back-stabbing concubines and hip-hop dancing reality show Hot-Blood Dance Crew. But the streaming service, which has been likened to Netflix and Hulu, sets itself apart from those platforms by allowing users to upload their own content and grow their own audiences. It’s also owned by Baidu, China’s largest search engine, and it has a lot of investment in AI tools. Despite its commercial successes, the...

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Apple reportedly not planning to add in-display fingerprint sensor on upcoming iPhones

Apple went all-in on Face ID with the iPhone X last year, excising the company’s long-time Touch ID fingerprint sensor in favor of the new, facial recognition feature. Don’t expect that to change anytime in the future, either, with supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo claiming in his latest research note that Apple won’t be adding in-display Touch ID fingerprint sensors to both this year’s or next year’s iPhone models, via 9to5Mac.

According to Kuo, limiting factors in Apple’s decision have to do with the fact that the current crop of sensors have more limited support for OLED screens (which Apple uses in its iPhone X models), along with the sensors only working in a specific location instead of the whole screen. Recent rumors have...

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FCC chairman says Twitter, Facebook, Google may need transparency law

The leader of the Federal Communications Commission says that major web companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google have offered little transparency into how they work — and it’s time to seriously consider forcing them to tell us.

In a blog post today, FCC chairman Ajit Pai calls out a long list of algorithmic and moderation decisions by web companies (including Twitter choosing not to ban New York Times columnist Sarah Jeong, a former Verge writer) and says that “consumers have virtually no insight” into how or why they happen. The same goes for privacy issues around how and where our data is used, Pai says.

“The public deserves to know more about how these companies operate,” he writes. “And we need to seriously think about whether...

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The Verge fall movie preview, September 2018

Every year, the shift into cooler weather comes alongside a shift into a cooler box office lineup: fewer billion-dollar blockbusters, fewer on-screen explosions, and a general trend toward less slashing, crashing action and more intense emotional action. The one thing that really heats up at the box office during the fall and winter season is the awards race: the last quarter of the year is a time for Oscar-bait projects and intense awards campaigning. So today, we start The Verge’s four-part fall movie preview, which will look ahead at the next four months of cinema — from serious dramas to holiday family films, with plenty of stops in the middle for one-off supervillains and space monsters. This isn’t a comprehensive list of releases....

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পাহাড় থেকে ফিরে সোজা দুর্ঘটনাস্থলে যাবেন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়, সেখান থেকে এসএসকেএম, এই সম্পর্কিত আরও খবর জানতে চোখ রাখুন ফটাফটে

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মাঝেরহাট উড়ালপুল-বিপর্যয়ের কারণে যাত্রী হয়রানি রুখতে ছোট ছোট রুটে সরকারি বাস চালানোর সিদ্ধান্ত

মাঝেরহাট উড়ালপুল-বিপর্যয়ের কারণে যাত্রী হয়রানি রুখতে, ছোট ছোট রুটে সরকারি বাস চালানোর সিদ্ধান্ত পরিবহণ দফতরের। বাস চলবে তারাতলা থেকে বজবজ, তারাতলা থেকে টালিগঞ্জ মেট্রো, টালিগঞ্জ মেট্রো থেকে বেহালা, বেহালা চৌরাস্তা থেকে দোস্তিপুর, বেহালা থেকে ডায়মন্ড হারবার এবং নিউ আলিপুর স্টেশন থেকে বেহালা চৌরাস্তা পর্যন্ত।

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মাঝেরহাট সেতু বিপর্যয় নিয়ে হাইকোর্টে মামলা

মাঝেরহাট সেতু বিপর্যয় নিয়ে মামলা দায়ের করার অনুমতি দিল কলকাতা হাইকোর্ট। রাজ্যের কত সেতু কী অবস্থায় আছে?রক্ষণাবেক্ষণের জন্য বরাদ্দ হচ্ছে কত টাকা? এসব তথ্য জানতে চান মামলাকারী আইনজীবী

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২৩ জেলার বাছাই খবর, সব জেলার সব খবর, এক ঝলকে

২৩ জেলার বাছাই খবর, সব জেলার সব খবর, এক ঝলকে

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Honor 7S with 5.45-inch display, smart battery management launched in India: Price, Specifications, and Features

Huawei’s latest budget phone, Honor 7S, has been launched in India. Back in May, the phone was launched in Pakistan. Key specifications of Huawei’s latest phone comprises a 5.45-inch HD+ display, quad-core MediaTek SoC, Android 8.1 (Oreo) with EMIUI 8.1 atop. The phone also supports face unlock. Read More: What to Expect From Vivo V11 Pro […]

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What to Expect From Vivo V11 Pro – 5 Features That Make It Exciting!

Vivo has been bringing some excellent innovations and exciting phones to India lately. Vivo V9, launched earlier this year, was the first Android phone with a display notch to hit retail shelves in the country. The Vivo X21 was the first phone in India with an In-Display Fingerprint Scanner. And the Vivo Nex was a […]

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Samsung Galaxy S10 Likely To Have A Smaller Chin, But Won’t Be Bezel-less

Samsung started the display revolution with its Galaxy S8 and have stuck to the same design for about two years now. The next big design change is coming with the Galaxy S10, code-named Beyond, and the leaks for the upcoming design have already started pouring in. According to Twitter handle Samsung.Mobile.News, Samsung will strive to […]

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Evernote slashes price of Premium subscription as many executives depart

Evernote is currently offering a sale on its Premium membership, slashing its yearly subscription price from $70 down to a much more reasonable $42. The company offered the same deal earlier this year. If you’re interested in grabbing the deal, it’s available now on Evernote’s site. It only applies if you pay one lump sum for the annual subscription.

Meanwhile, Evernote has confirmed to TechCrunch that in the past month the company has lost many senior executives, including its CTO Anirban Kundu, CFO Vincent Toolan, CPO Erik Wrobel and head of HR Michelle Wagner. The company did not comment on a reason for the departures, but a source close to the matter tells TechCrunch that “Evernote is in a death spiral... Paid user growth and active...

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Netflix and YouTube are most throttled mobile apps by US carriers, new study says

Since the demise of net neutrality, US telecoms have increased the amount of throttling they impose on customers trying to watch mobile video through services like Netflix and YouTube, according to new research from a group of researchers at Northeastern University and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The study, the findings of which were published first by Bloomberg today, reveals the extent to which companies like AT&T and Verizon have taken advantage of lax government regulation under President Donald Trump to limit data speeds for customers.

This isn’t presenting entirely new information. All four big carriers in the US now offer unlimited data plans that restrict streaming video on mobile devices to 480p by default, in an...

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Instagram is building a standalone app for shopping

Instagram is working on a new standalone app dedicated to shopping, The Verge has learned. The app — which may be called IG Shopping — will let users browse collections of goods from merchants that they follow and purchase them directly within the app, according to two people familiar with the matter. Instagram declined to comment.

It could not be learned when the app might launch. Its development is still ongoing, and it could be canceled before it is released. But sources familiar with its development say Instagram believes it is well positioned to make a major expansion into e-commerce.

More than 25 million businesses already have Instagram accounts, and 2 million of them are advertisers, Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl...

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How Amazon and eBay became a tax haven for Chinese sellers

For years, Amazon customers in Europe have enjoyed the shopping giant’s ability to deliver everything from best-selling books to phone chargers within days, if not hours, at prices that brick-and-mortar retailers often cannot match. Much like in the United States, online sales are eating up physical retail market shares. By 2023, it’s predicted that 21 percent of all non-grocery retail sales in Europe’s biggest economies will be online, up from just 13 percent last year. But, increasingly, the large digital platforms, which also operate as marketplaces for third-party sellers, have come under fire for helping foreign retailers skirt taxes.

In the EU, practically all marketplace sellers are required to report and pay a sales tax called...

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Skype’s latest version now has call recording built in

Skype announced today that call recording is now available in the latest version of the app on most platforms, except Windows 10. This is the first time Skype has offered built-in call recording since it was first released almost 15 years ago.

To record a call in Skype, click the + symbol at the bottom of the screen and then select “start recording.” Once started, a banner will appear letting everyone on the Skype call know that it is being recorded. If you are recording a video call, the recording will capture everyone’s video as well as any shared screens. The recording all happens in the cloud, and when the call is done, it’s then posted to your chat and will be available to download and share with other Skype contacts for 30 days.


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Apple Watch remains best-selling wearable with 4.7 million shipments last quarter

Apple Watch

Apple maintained its position at the top of the smartwatch sales chart last quarter, selling 4.7 million Apple Watches and capturing 17 percent of the global market, according to a report published today by research firm IDC. Apple now remains just ahead of Xiaomi, which trailed Apple by two percentage points in market share and 500,000 unit shipments in the second quarter of the year.

Fitbit, Huawei, and Garmin are far behind, with IDC reporting that higher demand for more fully featured smartwatches is driving demand for Apple products and reducing the popularity of lower-cost fitness trackers. IDC stresses that this is a natural cycle for consumer electronics and that fitness-focused devices will still have a place in the market...

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China’s top streaming service hides video view counts after click farms inflated numbers

China’s top streaming service iQiyi is turning off view counts on all of its videos. Instead, videos will be evaluated for popularity based on a new system to “underline the company’s commitment to the highest quality content.”

iQiyi is mostly known for its polished productions like the new historical drama Story of Yanxi Palace about back-stabbing concubines and hip-hop dancing reality show Hot-Blood Dance Crew. But the streaming service, which has been likened to Netflix and Hulu, sets itself apart from those platforms by allowing users to upload their own content and grow their own audiences. It’s also owned by Baidu, China’s largest search engine, and it has a lot of investment in AI tools. Despite its commercial successes, the...

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Apple reportedly not planning to add in-display fingerprint sensor on upcoming iPhones

Apple went all-in on Face ID with the iPhone X last year, excising the company’s long-time Touch ID fingerprint sensor in favor of the new, facial recognition feature. Don’t expect that to change anytime in the future, either, with supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo claiming in his latest research note that Apple won’t be adding in-display Touch ID fingerprint sensors to both this year’s or next year’s iPhone models, via 9to5Mac.

According to Kuo, limiting factors in Apple’s decision have to do with the fact that the current crop of sensors have more limited support for OLED screens (which Apple uses in its iPhone X models), along with the sensors only working in a specific location instead of the whole screen. Recent rumors have...

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FCC chairman says Twitter, Facebook, Google may need transparency law

The leader of the Federal Communications Commission says that major web companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google have offered little transparency into how they work — and it’s time to seriously consider forcing them to tell us.

In a blog post today, FCC chairman Ajit Pai calls out a long list of algorithmic and moderation decisions by web companies (including Twitter choosing not to ban New York Times columnist Sarah Jeong, a former Verge writer) and says that “consumers have virtually no insight” into how or why they happen. The same goes for privacy issues around how and where our data is used, Pai says.

“The public deserves to know more about how these companies operate,” he writes. “And we need to seriously think about whether...

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The Verge fall movie preview, September 2018

Every year, the shift into cooler weather comes alongside a shift into a cooler box office lineup: fewer billion-dollar blockbusters, fewer on-screen explosions, and a general trend toward less slashing, crashing action and more intense emotional action. The one thing that really heats up at the box office during the fall and winter season is the awards race: the last quarter of the year is a time for Oscar-bait projects and intense awards campaigning. So today, we start The Verge’s four-part fall movie preview, which will look ahead at the next four months of cinema — from serious dramas to holiday family films, with plenty of stops in the middle for one-off supervillains and space monsters. This isn’t a comprehensive list of releases....

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There’s No Doubt I Should Have Played More Test Cricket: Badrinath

"I'm a fighter to the core. I'm actually a street fighter. I came from nothing, whenever there was no safety net to fall on, it brought out the best in me."

from Top Cricketnext News-

CPL 2018: Fabian Allen Stars as Patriots beat Tridents in Last-Over Thriller

Fabian Allen led St Kitts and Nevis Patriots to a thrilling two-wicket win over the Barbados Tridents

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Faf du Plessis Asks His Players to Be Courageous and Burden-Free at 2019 World Cup

Faf du Plessis has urged his team to play a “courageous” brand of cricket in the 2019 World Cup, as they look to break the jinx in ICC tournaments

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T10 Format Will Modernise Cricket, Says Shane Watson

Former Australian all-rounder Shane Watson will feature in the second edition of T10 League in the United Arab Emirates in November. The 37-year-old will captain the Karachians this year, and believes this format will "modernise the sport."

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Varma: What Virat Kohli Should Consider About the Machinery of His Brain

George Bernard Shaw once wrote a play called Man and Superman. You could steal that title and use it for a film on Virat Kohli’s life right now. As a batsman, he is in superhero territory: he plays every match on a different, easier pitch than his colleagues do, and has established himself as an all-time great. English conditions were once held to be his Kryptonyte, but he’s put that to rest with his sublime batting in this series. Leaving aside costume requirements—he still wears his underwear inside his pants—he is every bit a batting superhero.

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Nothing-to-Lose Situation Gives India a Chance to Test Prithvi Shaw

So, yet another overseas tour that promised plenty has ended in a defeat, and yet again, the 'what-ifs' are dominating discussions. What if Sam Curran hadn’t scored so many runs in the lower order? What if India’s batsmen hadn’t collapsed in the first innings at Southampton? What if atleast one of the top-order batsmen showed the consistency that Virat Kohli did?

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RP Singh Announces Retirement From International Cricket

Former India pacer R P Singh on Tuesday announced his retirement from the game. The 32-year-old Singh, a left arm speedster, took to Twitter to announce his decision

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‘I’m So Sorry, Please Don’t Ban Me’: Kohli Recalls Fallout of ‘Flicking the Finger’ at SCG in 2012

While he still gets himself into the occasional skirmish, Virat Kohli has quite visibly simmered down from his early days in international cricket. There were several controversies involving Kohli when he first started out and in an interview with Wisden Cricket Monthly, Kohli has spoken about out one incident that he would rather forget from 2012, when he was caught on camera showing the middle finger to fans.

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Kohli's Captaincy Leaves Gavaskar Unimpressed, Harbhajan Critical of Ashwin

Former India captain Sunil Gavaskar has said that is only to be expected that “questions will be asked” about Virat Kohli’s captaincy after India’s series loss in England. While Kohli has laid to rest his demons from India's previous Test series in England by amassing over 500 runs, his decision making as captain hasn’t met with the approval of several former players, and Gavaskar has become only the latest to join the chorus.

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Anmolpreet, Bhui Prop Up India Blue in Duleep Trophy Final

Young Punjab batsman Anmolpreet Singh missed out on a well deserved century by four runs even as helped India Blue recover from 107 for 4 to 260 for 5 against India Red on the opening day of the Duleep Trophy final on Tuesday at NPR College ground here

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Woakes & Pope Named in England Squad for India Finale

Chris Woakes and Ollie Pope have been included in the England squad for the final Test against India as Alastair Cook prepares for his international farewell at The Oval.

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India A Face Stiff Challenge to Beat Australia A in Unofficial Test, Need 199 to Win on Final Day

India A dismissed Australia A for 292 on day three of the first unofficial Test at the M Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru on Tuesday. Requiring 262 to win the match, India ended the day at 63/2, still 199 runs short of the target.

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Asia Cup 2018: Pakistan Pick 18-year-old Shaheen Afridi in 16-Member Squad

Shaheen Afridi has earned a maiden One-Day International call-up to the Pakistan squad for the 2018 Asia Cup

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The Best of ‘Exceptional’ Virat Kohli is Yet to Come – Greg Chappell

I don’t know that there are many with more will to succeed than Virat, says former Australian captain.

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EXCLUSIVE | We've Let Test Cricket to be Showcased Poorly to a Whole Generation: Greg Chappell

When the game itself denigrates the longest form of the game, it is understandable that the public might not be as stimulated by it, says Greg Chappell.

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Lucknow to Debut as International Venue during West Indies Tour of India

India are set to host the Windies for two Tests, five One-Day Internationals and three Twenty20 Internationals, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) announced on Tuesday (September 4).

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Cook Hailed as England’s Greatest Batsman by Hussain & Atherton

Former England captain Nasser Hussain has dubbed Alastair Cook, who announced his retirement from the game on Monday, the greatest batsman that the country has ever produced.

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Sidvee: Kohli or Nothing - India's Support Act Needs to Stand Up

In seven away Tests this year, each time Kohli has been batting in the middle, it has taken precisely one ball to signal the innings’ death knell.

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Reynolds: The Chef Leaves the Kitchen as an All-time Great

It will have lasted 161 matches and spanned 12 years, but by next week the Alastair Cook era will be at an end.

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A Look at the OWASP Top 10 Project: Protecting Your Web Apps

Numerous techniques can allow hackers access to your web apps, but what are the biggest risks? According to the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), here's what you should be protecting against.

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Brie Larson Teases Big Captain Marvel Reveal For Tomorrow

Is Marvel Studios on the verge of releasing the first teaser trailer for Captain Marvel?

Back in August, it was reported that Kevin Feige and Co. had earmarked October as a potential release window for the first-look sizzle reel. But it may be with us sooner than expected.

Taking to Twitter tonight, star Brie Larson Tweeted, “Hey @EW I’m bored. Wanna break the Internet tomorrow?” Replying back, the outlet wrote, “Yes! Meet us here at noon ET. We’ve got something Marvel-ous in mind.” Of course, fans have now been sent into a frenzy, expecting the first trailer to drop, but it should be noted that nothing specific was mentioned.

Remember, we haven’t even seen an official photo or a poster yet, and that type of stuff often comes before a full-out trailer. As such, we imagine that we’ll be getting our first proper look at Larson in costume via a still rather than some footage. But who knows? A trailer’s been rumored to be on the way for a while now, so maybe we shouldn’t completely rule it out just yet.

Whatever it ends up being, you can bet that we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled for it, as Captain Marvel is shaping up to be a massive release for the studio and a game-changer in every sense of the word. For one, the titular hero has been championed as the MCU’s strongest ever character, while there have been rumblings that Larson will become the franchise’s new figurehead for Phase 4 and beyond – presumably at the expense of Tony Stark, whose time at the forefront of Marvel’s cinematic universe appears to be on the wane.

Circling back to Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck’s flick, though, which is scheduled for release on March 8th, 2019, Captain Marvel is the next Marvel movie in line for a theatrical run, and as soon as Entertainment Weekly pulls back the lid on whatever it is they have for us, we’ll be sure to let you know.

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