meta content='PcpJKOmoday5SZ2ES5Jk' name='bulletprofit'/> 11/21/20


Thor: Love And Thunder Said To Be Like Avenger 5 In Terms Of Scope And Scale

In January cameras are set to start rolling on Taika Waititi’s Thor: Love and Thunder, and a lot has changed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since Chris Hemsworth headlined his last solo movie. By the time the movie arrives in February 2022 the small screen expansion will be well underway with WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and possibly even Loki and Ms. Marvel having wrapped up their first seasons, while Spider-Man 3 will have blown the multiverse wide open and both Shang-Chi and the Eternals will have made their debuts.

Based on what Waititi brought to the table in Ragnarok and what we know so far about Love and Thunder, Thor’s fourth solo adventure is shaping up to be epic. Not only is Natalie Portman returning as Jane Foster to wield Mjolnir, but the Guardians of the Galaxy are set to lend support, Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie is looking for a Queen to help her rule Asgard and Christian Bale will return to the superhero genre as the movie’s mystery villain.

That’s a lot of moving pieces, and a new report claims that Love and Thunder is being likened to a fifth Avengers movie in terms of sheer scope and scale, with the pic said to have an “Avengers feel” to it. Of course, Captain America: Civil War was also nicknamed Avengers 2.5 by a lot of people after featuring almost the entire roster of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, so this hardly marks uncharted territory for the MCU.

While Thor: Love and Thunder more than likely won’t reinvent the wheel to anything near the same extent as Infinity War or Endgame, it’ll still pick up right from where the Infinity Saga left off and continue laying the foundations for the overarching storyline across the next several Phases of the franchise.

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Black Panther 2 Starts Shooting In July 2021

When Chadwick Boseman tragically lost his four-year battle with colon cancer and passed away at the end of August, it seemed inevitable that the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Black Panther 2 would be hit with a delay. After all, not only did the actor’s friends and collaborators need time to process and grieve his loss, but the sequel to one of the most important and influential blockbusters of the modern era had just lost its leading man.

Boseman was set to start training for his return as T’Challa in September, but following his death it appeared that the project had been placed on an indefinite hold, which was completely understandable. However, in a surprising turn of events it was announced yesterday that not only had Narcos: Mexico star Tenoch Huerta been cast in a mystery villain role, but Black Panther 2 was confirmed to start shooting in July of next year.

With the entire development process needing reworked from the ground up after Boseman passed, delaying the start of filming by just four months has taken a lot of people by surprise. After all, T’Challa was poised to become one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s marquee heroes, and everything from the script to the casting process will have required huge changes from director Ryan Coogler and his team.

It still seems very unlikely that Black Panther 2 will arrive as currently scheduled in July 2022, especially when the shoot is said to last for up to six months. Putting together a blockbuster of this size and scale in twelve months is a daunting task, and with the movie set to pay tribute to Boseman’s legac,  Coogler and the rest of the returning players will look to deliver a fitting follow up that honors his memory.

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Ryan Reynolds Reportedly Too Busy Now For Justice League Snyder Cut

Marvel Cinematic Universe fans rejoiced yesterday when it was announced that Deadpool 3 had officially hired writers, marking the first real development we’ve heard about the Merc with a Mouth’s third solo outing in almost a year. However, Ryan Reynolds is a very busy man having recently wrapped Netflix’s Red Notice before jumping immediately into the streaming service’s time travel adventure that sees him re-teaming with his Free Guy director Shawn Levy, meaning that Wade Wilson’s MCU debut might be while away yet.

In fact, Reynolds still has a dozen projects on his upcoming schedule, and that’s not even including the rumors that had been making the rounds over the last few weeks that he was being lined up for a cameo as Hal Jordan in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. There were widespread reports that the 44 year-old was keen to show up in the all-new version of the DCEU blockbuster to draw a line under his association with the character, but insider Grace Randolph has now poured cold water on the notion.

Randolph claims that Reynolds simply can’t find the time in his schedule to commit to Justice League, for what would have been a small role at best after Snyder confirmed his reshoots were only going to result in four or five minutes of new footage. Joe Manganiello’s Deathstroke and Jared Leto’s Joker are already high profile new additions, and there’s every chance having the star of one of the worst comic book movies ever made show up may have ultimately been a distraction.

The Snyder Cut of Justice League doesn’t need Ryan Reynolds to succeed based on the hype surrounding it, and the vast majority of fans would no doubt much rather see Deadpool 3 anyway.

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Deadpool Creator Says Don’t Expect To See The Third Movie Anytime Soon

Ever since Disney completed their takeover of Fox, putting the rights to Deadpool in the hands of Marvel Studios in the process, one of the most outspoken critics on the lack of development surrounding the Merc with a Mouth’s third solo outing has been creator Rob Liefeld. The 53 year-old has never exactly been regarded as a shrinking violet, and at various points over the last few months he’s given interviews and taken to social media to voice his displeasure at Kevin Feige’s supposed lack of ideas for his most famous character.

Now that the project has moved much closer to becoming a reality by hiring writers Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin, Deadpool 3 has taken the first tentative steps towards active development. However, any movie of this sort of scope and scale takes a good couple of years to come together and there’s still no director attached, while Ryan Reynolds is currently busy shooting his Netflix time travel movie in Canada under the direction of Free Guy‘s Shawn Levy.

The actor will then hit the promotional circuit next year for both the delayed video game-inspired action comedy and buddy movie sequel The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard, meaning that it’ll be towards the end of 2021 at the very earliest that Deadpool 3 will start shooting. Liefeld admitted his happiness that the ball has finally started rolling, but also warned fans not to expect anything for a while yet.

Now that writers are officially attached though, Deadpool 3 should start gathering some serious momentum and attracting new talent over the coming months, and we’ll no doubt be hearing much more about the movie in the near future, as well as having Liefeld inevitably throw in his two cents.

from Movies – We Got This Covered

Don’t Breathe Star Says The Sequel Is Very Much Its Own Thing

Stephen Lang looks like he was carved out of granite and the actor gives off the impression that he’s someone you definitely don’t want to mess with, and he’s leveraged it to great effect by building a solid career out of playing the bad guy, although he has played more sympathetic figures in the likes of Jason Momoa actioner Braven and entertainingly gory B-movie VFW.

One of the 68 year-old’s most memorable recent roles was in Fede Alvarez’s horror/thriller hybrid Don’t Breathe, where he played the terrifying antagonist. The atmospheric genre movie was made for less than $10 million and went on to score over $150 million at the box office, as well as receiving enthusiastic reviews that praised both the sense of atmospheric dread and Lang’s performance.

Given the profit margins, it wasn’t surprising when a sequel was given the green light, and Don’t Breathe 2 is scheduled to hit theaters next August. In a recent interview, Lang admitted that the follow up is looking to put a different spin on the premise, and will tell a standalone story.

“I never walked away from a scene on this feeling like we’d left something on the table there. We really strived to get everything we could out of it. It has a tremendous kinship with the first film, but in many ways, in every way, it’s very much its own thing.”

Don't Breathe

The first movie ended with Lang’s character recuperating in hospital having dished out his unique brand of justice to a young gang of home invaders, and the sequel picks up years later with him living in an isolated cabin, having also become something of a father figure having taken in and raised a young girl who lost her parents in a fire.

However, when kidnappers take the girl, the Blind Man is forced into action in order to save the day, and based on that synopsis alone Don’t Breathe 2 sounds like an entirely different movie, one that reinvents the first film’s villain as a potential antihero.

from Movies – We Got This Covered

WB Thought Wonder Woman 1984 Might Go Stale If It Was Delayed Until 2021

Most analysts were expecting Warner Bros. to delay Wonder Woman 1984 even further until 2021 before the news broke that the studio were set to release the superhero sequel into theaters and on HBO Max simultaneously. After all, the box office is still showing almost no signs of recovery, and the calendar is desperately bare in terms of new releases as it has been since March.

However, a new report claims that one of the reasons behind the decision was a growing fear that interest in the movie would start to stagnate the longer people had to wait for it. Filming initially wrapped way back in December 2018, and since then Wonder Woman 1984 has been given a handful of release dates, and the higher ups at Warner Bros. are said to have been concerned that the project might go stale in the eyes of the general public, with all of the trailers and TV spots so far generally offering slight variations on the same footage.

Patty Jenkins’ DCEU blockbuster was first earmarked to hit the big screen in December 2019, before being pushed back to June of this year. It was then delayed to August and then October before eventually being given a Christmas Day slot that in any other year would have guaranteed bumper box office, but as we all know 2020 hasn’t exactly gone to plan.

By debuting on HBO Max, Wonder Woman 1984 is guaranteed to cause a huge surge in subscriber numbers for the streaming service, and by only remaining on the platform for a month before heading to VOD it’ll generate two massively lucrative revenue streams for the studio, and at this stage it appears clear the overwhelming minority of the movie’s earnings are going to come from theaters.

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