ওড়িশা উপকূলে বায়ু থেকে বায়ু ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র \'অস্ত্র\'-এর সফল পরীক্ষা
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বিশ্বকর্মা পুজোর দিন টিটাগড়ে ভস্মীভূত গেঞ্জি কারখানা
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Reporter Stories: বহরমপুরে গুলিবিদ্ধ হয়ে চায়ের দোকানদারের মৃত্
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Reporter Stories: পুরুলিয়া সফরে দিলীপ ঘোষ, পরিবেশ বাঁচিয়ে রাজ্য সরকার প্রস্তাবিত টুর্গা জলবিদ্যুৎ প্রকল্পের পক্ষে সওয়াল
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পাকিস্তানে সিন্ধে ছাত্রীবাসে হিন্দু ছাত্রীর রহস্যমৃত্যু, সন্দেহ খুন, করাচির রাস্তায় প্রতিবাদ
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বহুদলীয় ব্যবস্থায় দেশবাসীর আশাপূরণে ব্যর্থ আঞ্চলিক দলগুলি, মন্তব্য অমিতের, পাল্টা আক্রমণ বিরোধীদের
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CPL 2019: Brathwaite The Difference as Patriots Pull off Super Over Win Against TKR

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মেট্রো রেলওয়ের হয়ে সওয়াল করে সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ায় ট্রোলড অমিতাভ
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রাজীবের আর্জি ফেরাল আদালত, জামিন অর্জুন সিংহর, খবর এক ঝলকে
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মোদির জন্য মিষ্টি-পাঞ্জাবি নিয়ে গেলেন মমতা, হেডলাইনস ফটাফট
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২০১৩ সালে প্রকাশ্যে আসে সারদা গোষ্ঠীর বিরুদ্ধে প্রতারণার অভিযোগ, এখনও মেলেনি সমাধান
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হিন্দিকে জাতীয় ভাষা করার প্রস্তাব অমিতের, প্রতিবাদে বিদ্বজ্জনরা
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Pocket Casts is making its podcast app free and launching a subscription service

Pocket Casts, a popular podcast app, is changing up its money-making strategy and launching a subscription service. The company previously charged users between $4 and $10 to download the app, depending on the OS and platform. The app will now be free, but users will have the option to pay $0.99 per month, or $10 per year, for a premium service.
The subscription service, called Pocket Casts Plus, includes access to desktop apps, exclusive app icons and themes, and 10GB of cloud storage for people who want to upload their audio and video content. People who previously purchased the desktop app will be given three years of Pocket Casts Plus for free.
Pocket Casts CEO Owen Grover imagines that podcast creators will use the cloud storage to...
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Pocket Casts is making its podcast app free and launching a subscription service

Pocket Casts, a popular podcast app, is changing up its money-making strategy and launching a subscription service. The company previously charged users between $4 and $10 to download the app, depending on the OS and platform. The app will now be free, but users will have the option to pay $0.99 per month, or $10 per year, for a premium service.
The subscription service, called Pocket Casts Plus, includes access to desktop apps, exclusive app icons and themes, and 10GB of cloud storage for people who want to upload their audio and video content. People who previously purchased the desktop app will be given three years of Pocket Casts Plus for free.
Pocket Casts CEO Owen Grover imagines that podcast creators will use the cloud storage to...
from The Verge - All Posts
Taiga Motors’ Orca is a $24,000 electric watercraft with a two-hour battery

Montreal startup Taiga Motors has spent the last few years tackling the tricky task of electrifying snowmobiles, but it’s now turning its attention to making cleaner and quieter personal watercraft. The company unveiled a pricey new Jet Ski-style watercraft called Orca at an event in Toronto Tuesday night that can last for up to two hours on a full charge.
The Orca has a top speed of 65 miles per hour, and has 134kW of power (about 180 horsepower) on offer, which sounds like it will make for a fun ride. The 23kWh battery can be charged on standard or level 2 (240V) outlets, or more quickly with a DC fast charger (from 0 to 80 percent in 20 minutes), provided owners can find one of those near enough to the water (or with enough space to...
from The Verge - All Posts
ফের বীরভূমে তৃণমূলকর্মীর বাড়িতে বিস্ফোরণ, তৃণমূল-বিজেপি চাপানউতোর
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জলপাইগুড়ির সুখানি নদীতে বেড়েছে জলের স্তর, সেতু ছাপিয়ে বইছে জল
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Ant-Man 3 Reportedly Cancelled, May Become Disney Plus Show
Black Widow, The Eternals, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings – three of the biggest new IPs set to enter the Marvel Cinematic Universe come Phase 4.
Put together with hugely anticipated sequels like Captain Marvel 2, Black Panther 2, and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and it makes for quite a tantalizing future for the franchise, though you’d be forgiven for wondering why Ant-Man 3 was totally absent from both Marvel’s SDCC and D23 presentations.
Admittedly, it could just be because the studio isn’t ready to announce the threequel yet, or maybe the Powers That Be are holding fire until Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly can clear out their schedules. After all, we know that the former has signed up for Ghostbusters 2020, and may not be available until early 2021. Not to mention that Lilly has two sizeable projects – namely Dreamland and Happy Life – on her plate as well.
But if a new rumor is to be believed, then it looks like the reason Marvel hasn’t mentioned anything about Ant-Man 3 yet is because it’s not happening. According to Cosmic Book News, who are citing scoopster Mikey Sutton on this one, the film isn’t moving forward and may end up as a limited series on Disney Plus instead. And that’s because of a few reasons.

For one, it’s said that the studio is simply too busy to develop another feature for the hero, with the recent acquisition of the X-Men and Fantastic Four taking up a lot of their time. The report also claims that Kevin Feige is more interested in “pursuing new genres with Shang-Chi and Blade.” Not to mention that the Ant-Man films do tend to target a bit of a younger audience than most other MCU movies, which is why Disney Plus would make sense in regards to where to continue the series.
And while all this remains filed firmly in the rumor cabinet for now, it’s not too difficult to believe. After all, we’ve heard on several occasions now that the future of Ant-Man and his supporting characters is up in the air with multiple sources saying they’ll only show up in small cameos from now on and if a third film ever did happen, it wouldn’t be for a long, long time. In other words, it’s not a priority for the studio.
Obviously, that’s pretty disappointing to hear, but when you look at where the MCU is headed and how busy Feige and co. must be right now with all that they’re juggling, we can’t say we blame them if they feel Disney Plus is the best place for Scott Lang moving forward.
from Movies – We Got This Covered
আড়াই বছর পর আজ মোদি-মমতা বৈঠক, কটাক্ষ বিজেপির, আরও খবর হেডলাইনসে
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Taiga Motors’ Orca is a $24,000 electric watercraft with a two-hour battery

Montreal startup Taiga Motors has spent the last few years tackling the tricky task of electrifying snowmobiles, but it’s now turning its attention to making cleaner and quieter personal watercraft. The company unveiled a pricey new Jet Ski-style watercraft called Orca at an event in Toronto Tuesday night that can last for up to two hours on a full charge.
The Orca has a top speed of 65 miles per hour, and has 134kW of power (about 180 horsepower) on offer, which sounds like it will make for a fun ride. The 23kWh battery can be charged on standard or level 2 (240V) outlets, or more quickly with a DC fast charger (from 0 to 80 percent in 20 minutes), provided owners can find one of those near enough to the water (or with enough space to...
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Terminator: Dark Fate Director Says The Last Three Movies Tainted The Franchise
The cyclical nature of blockbuster filmmaking means every valuable property is going to get rebooted at some point or other, but they seem to be trying especially hard when it comes to the Terminator franchise. The upcoming sixth installment, Terminator: Dark Fate, will be the third hybrid of reboot and sequel to hit theaters in ten years, but everyone involved is talking this one up as the one that will serve as the spiritual successor to James Cameron’s groundbreaking and hugely-influential work on the series.
Of course, we’ve heard all of this before. While Rise of the Machines was more of a straightforward sequel to Terminator and Terminator 2, both Salvation and Genisys were heavily-hyped as having the potential to create new storytelling opportunities, new possibilities and ultimately new franchises, yet failed to deliver. The potential was definitely there in the concepts of each to deliver worthy follow-ups to Cameron’s iconic sci-fi blockbusters, but neither McG nor Alan Taylor proved to be capable of pulling it off.

Deadpool director Tim Miller is the latest to attempt to recreate the magic captured by James Cameron, and he certainly knows what he’s gotten himself into, admitting that the task ahead of him is a daunting one, while also claiming that the previous three entries in the franchise weren’t true Terminator sequels, and had even tainted the brand.
“I think the brand has been tainted a little bit. I don’t want to disparage the work of any of those movies, and some of them were interesting, but I feel like they just played in the world of The Terminator – it was essentially a different thing. T2 was just one of those events that was a f**king revelation. It’s one of those films that everyone remembers what they were doing when they first saw it. I still don’t think I realize what I’m doing trying to follow that up.”
What Miller does have going for him is the return of James Cameron to the franchise for the first time since 1991, along with Linda Hamilton and Edward Furlong reprising their roles as Sarah and John Connor, marking the first Terminator movie for all three since Judgement Day. We’ve been burned by disappointing sequels from the franchise three times now, so hearing the director of a new installment hyping up the project as going back to the roots of the original isn’t exactly anything new, but hopefully Dark Fate will finally provide a sequel that even come close to reaching the quality that Cameron managed during his time behind the camera.
from Movies – We Got This Covered