পুলওয়ামায় জঙ্গি হামলার জের, ধর্মশালা স্টেডিয়াম থেকে সরানো হল ইমরান খান, ওয়াসিম আক্রমদের ছবি
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খেলতে গিয়ে বেকায়দায় আঘাত, ৩ মাস ধরে হাসপাতালে সোনারপুরের কিশোর
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Vivo V15 Pro Review – Pop it like a Pro

Vivo India has officially launched the V15 Pro, the successor to Vivo V11 Pro, in India. The new phone passes on the essence of Vivo Nex – a continuous infinity screen and pop-up camera – at a mid-range price. There are several attractions to look forward to, including a 48MP rear camera, and the V15 […]
The post Vivo V15 Pro Review – Pop it like a Pro appeared first on Smartprix Bytes.
from Smartprix Bytes
Emoji license plates will soon be available in Queensland, Australia

Drivers in the Australian state of Queensland will soon be able to personalize their license plates with emoji. The state’s official license plate vendor, Personalised Plates Queensland (PPQ), is launching the option on March 1st, with preorders available now.
PPQ already offers a range of personalization options, including colors, themes, and the logos of local sports teams. A spokeswoman for the Royal Automobile Club of Queensland, Rebecca Michael, told 7News Brisbane that offering emoji was a natural extension.
“For quite some time we’ve seen that you can support your favorite team or your favurite town with a symbol on your number plate,” said Dr Michael. “And using an emoji is no different.”
There are limits though. Drivers won’t...
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নবান্ন থেকে ইলেকট্রিক পিঙ্ক বাসের উদ্বোধনে মুখ্যমন্ত্রী
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নির্ধারিত হল ইস্ট-ওয়েস্ট মেট্রোর ভাড়া, ট্রেনে উঠলেই দিতে হবে পাঁচ টাকা, ২-৫ কিমি পর্যন্ত ভাড়া দশ টাকা, ৫-১০ কিমি পর্যন্ত ভাড়া ২০ টাকা
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যাদবপুরের উপাচার্যকে দেখতে হাসপাতালে শিক্ষামন্ত্রী পার্থ চট্টোপাধ্যায়
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সৌদি যুবরাজকে আলিঙ্গন করে তোপের মুখে মোদি, কংগ্রেসের টুইট, প্রধানমন্ত্রী দেশ, শহিদ ও সৈনিকদের বুঝিয়ে দিলেন তাঁদের সেবা ও আত্মত্যাগ নিয়ে তিনি কী ভাবেন
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আইসিসি-র কোনও ভূমিকা নেই, সরকারের অনুমতি ছাড়া পাকিস্তানের বিরুদ্ধে খেলবে না ভারত : বিসিসিআই
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Huawei’s P30 Pro will have quad-camera array, CEO’s photograph suggests

Huawei’s P30 Pro could be the first of the company’s phones to come equipped with a quad-camera array on its rear, a watermarked photograph from Huawei’s consumer business group CEO has suggested. Yesterday, GSMArena noted that Richard Yu posted a photograph of the moon on Weibo, which included a watermark with details of the phone it was shot on. Although the exact details have been clumsily redacted, they appear to read “Huawei P30 Pro” and “Leica Quad Camera.”
Huawei has announced that the P30 series will be launching in Paris on March 26th using a teaser trailer that heavily implied its camera’s zoom would be a major feature. Previous Huawei devices, such as the P20 Pro and Mate 20 Pro, have already included rear telephoto lenses,...
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Apple to combine iPhone, iPad, and Mac apps by 2021, says Bloomberg

Apple is reportedly planning to combine apps made for iPhone, iPad, and macOS by 2021. Bloomberg reports that Apple will allow developers to create a single app, known as single binary, that will work across iPhones, iPads, and Macs. Apple already revealed part of this work, codenamed Marzipan, last year at the company’s Worldwide Developer Conference. Apple has started bringing iOS versions of Home, Stocks, News, and Voice Memo apps to macOS 10.14 Mojave.
A combined universal app is obviously a much bigger step, and Bloomberg reports that Apple will manage this in stages. Developers will reportedly be able to port their iPad apps to the Mac later this year thanks to a new SDK, and this will be extended to iPhone apps in 2020 to bring...
from The Verge - All Posts
Huawei’s P30 Pro will have quad-camera array, CEO’s photograph suggests

Huawei’s P30 Pro could be the first of the company’s phones to come equipped with a quad-camera array on its rear, a watermarked photograph from Huawei’s consumer business group CEO has suggested. Yesterday, GSMArena noted that Richard Yu posted a photograph of the moon on Weibo, which included a watermark with details of the phone it was shot on. Although the exact details have been clumsily redacted, they appear to read “Huawei P30 Pro” and “Leica Quad Camera.”
Huawei has announced that the P30 series will be launching in Paris on March 26th using a teaser trailer that heavily implied its camera’s zoom would be a major feature. Previous Huawei devices, such as the P20 Pro and Mate 20 Pro, have already included rear telephoto lenses,...
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Apple to combine iPhone, iPad, and Mac apps by 2021, says Bloomberg

Apple is reportedly planning to combine apps made for iPhone, iPad, and macOS by 2021. Bloomberg reports that Apple will allow developers to create a single app, known as single binary, that will work across iPhones, iPads, and Macs. Apple already revealed part of this work, codenamed Marzipan, last year at the company’s Worldwide Developer Conference. Apple has started bringing iOS versions of Home, Stocks, News, and Voice Memo apps to macOS 10.14 Mojave.
A combined universal app is obviously a much bigger step, and Bloomberg reports that Apple will manage this in stages. Developers will reportedly be able to port their iPad apps to the Mac later this year thanks to a new SDK, and this will be extended to iPhone apps in 2020 to bring...
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Xiaomi just can’t help brazenly ripping off Apple

The signature wallpaper for Apple’s macOS Mojave features sand dunes, segmented by a pretty undulating curve, and it changes with the time of your computer so you see light dunes in the day and a dark scene at night. It’s a neat, organic little feature. It’s also been shamelessly ripped off by Xiaomi, whose latest flagship device, the Mi 9, doesn’t even try to have a different background and just recreates the entire idea of colors shifting with the time of day. I guess Xiaomi will want credit for expanding the color palette a little, but I’ve got none to give. This is embarrassingly obvious and unnecessarily brazen.
We’ve written at length about the ways in which Chinese companies copy Apple’s iPhone hardware and interface designs, and...
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How YouTube helps flat-earthers organize

It’s been a big month for conspiracy theories. Last week, Rep. Adam Schiff sent a strongly worded letter to Google and Facebook about the way their platforms recommend anti-vaccination content to parents, potentially putting healthy populations at risk. This week, new reports are taking a deeper look the unintended consequences of YouTube recommendations, starting with the conspiracy theory that the earth is flat.
In the Guardian, Ian Sample has news of a recent presentation at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in which a researcher from Texas Tech University discussed her findings from interviewing 30 participants in a recent convention of flat-earthers. The takeaway: YouTube brought them there, Sample says:
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Google says it’s not trying to stop ad blocking on Chrome

Google has faced increasing criticism over some proposed Chrome changes that developers claim could prevent popular ad blockers from working properly. Dubbed Manifest 3, the changes involve crippling the WebRequest APIs that developers currently use to block content in favor of a new declarativeNetRequest API that’s more limited. Google revealed the changes were being made over performance and privacy concerns, but the developers of Ghostery showed that performance in most popular ad blockers simply isn’t an issue in Chrome.
Google is now backtracking on some of its changes following a backlash from developers of ad blocking extensions. “It is not, nor has it ever been, our goal to prevent or break content blocking,” says Chrome engineer...
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২৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি সুপ্রিম কোর্টে অযোধ্যা মামলার শুনানি, প্রধান বিচারপতির সাংবিধানিক বেঞ্চে হবে শুনানি
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জাল শংসাপত্র দেওয়ায় দোষী সাব্যস্ত বিশ্বভারতীর প্রাক্তন উপাচার্য সহ আরও ২
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প্রতীক চৌধুরীর আকস্মিক প্রয়াণে শোকস্তব্ধ সঙ্গীতমহল, শেষ শ্রদ্ধা জানিয়ে এলেন শ্রীকান্ত আচার্য, ইন্দ্রনীল সেনরা
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Xiaomi just can’t help brazenly ripping off Apple

The signature wallpaper for Apple’s macOS Mojave features sand dunes, segmented by a pretty undulating curve, and it changes with the time of your computer so you see light dunes in the day and a dark scene at night. It’s a neat, organic little feature. It’s also been shamelessly ripped off by Xiaomi, whose latest flagship device, the Mi 9, doesn’t even try to have a different background and just recreates the entire idea of colors shifting with the time of day. I guess Xiaomi will want credit for expanding the color palette a little, but I’ve got none to give. This is embarrassingly obvious and unnecessarily brazen.
We’ve written at length about the ways in which Chinese companies copy Apple’s iPhone hardware and interface designs, and...
from The Verge - All Posts
How YouTube helps flat-earthers organize

It’s been a big month for conspiracy theories. Last week, Rep. Adam Schiff sent a strongly worded letter to Google and Facebook about the way their platforms recommend anti-vaccination content to parents, potentially putting healthy populations at risk. This week, new reports are taking a deeper look the unintended consequences of YouTube recommendations, starting with the conspiracy theory that the earth is flat.
In the Guardian, Ian Sample has news of a recent presentation at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in which a researcher from Texas Tech University discussed her findings from interviewing 30 participants in a recent convention of flat-earthers. The takeaway: YouTube brought them there, Sample says:
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Google says it’s not trying to stop ad blocking on Chrome

Google has faced increasing criticism over some proposed Chrome changes that developers claim could prevent popular ad blockers from working properly. Dubbed Manifest 3, the changes involve crippling the WebRequest APIs that developers currently use to block content in favor of a new declarativeNetRequest API that’s more limited. Google revealed the changes were being made over performance and privacy concerns, but the developers of Ghostery showed that performance in most popular ad blockers simply isn’t an issue in Chrome.
Google is now backtracking on some of its changes following a backlash from developers of ad blocking extensions. “It is not, nor has it ever been, our goal to prevent or break content blocking,” says Chrome engineer...
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রাজধানী নয়াদিল্লি থেকে মুম্বই, কলকাতা : পুলওয়ামা কাণ্ডের প্রতিবাদে রোষে ফুঁসছে গোটা দেশ
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ঘন্টাখানেক সঙ্গে সুমন (১৯.০২.১৯)আঘাতে প্রত্যাঘাত, পুলওয়ামা নিয়ে ভারতকে হুঁশিয়ারি ইমরানের। পাক সেনার সন্তান জইশ, জানাল সেনা। অস্ত্র না ছাড়লে গুলি। কাশ্মীরি মায়েদের বার্তা
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ব্যবস্থা চেয়ে ৪৫০ ছাত্রের বিক্ষোভ, দেশবিরোধী পোস্টের অভিযোগে রুরকির বেসরকারি শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের ৭ কাশ্মীরী পড়ুয়া সাসপেন্ড
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উত্কর্ষ বাংলার পর এবার রাজ্য সরকারের সবুজ সাথী প্রকল্পও রাষ্ট্রপুঞ্জের বিচারে প্রথম পাঁচটি প্রকল্পের মধ্যে জায়গা করে নিল
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পুলওয়ামা: ইমরানের অবস্থানকে সমর্থন আফ্রিদির
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সুপ্রিম কোর্টে রাজ্য সরকার বনাম সিবিআই মামলার শুনানি পিছিয়ে গেল, মামলা থেকে অব্যাহতি চান বিচারপতি নাগেশ্বর রাও
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সুপ্রিম কোর্টে তীব্র ভর্ৎসনা অম্বানিকে, আদালতে দেওয়া প্রতিশ্রুতি পালনের কোনও ইচ্ছাই ছিল না, মন্তব্য বিচারপতির
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পুলওয়ামার ঘটনার তীব্র নিন্দা রাষ্ট্রপুঞ্জের, সুপ্রিম কোর্টে ধাক্কা অনিল অম্বানির, জায়গা ভরানো খবর নয়, বাছাই করা সেরা খবর, সবার জন্য সব খবর, ফটাফট
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Xiaomi Mi 9 Officially Debuts with 48MP camera and Snapdragon 855: Specs and Features

Xiaomi has left no leaf unturned when it comes to creating the buzz around Mi 9. The features and hardware specs were almost entirely teased by the company in the recent weeks building to its launch.Now that it’s officially unveiled in China, let’s have a walk down the memory lane and revisit what’s exciting about […]
The post Xiaomi Mi 9 Officially Debuts with 48MP camera and Snapdragon 855: Specs and Features appeared first on Smartprix Bytes.
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Google claims built-in Nest mic was ‘never intended to be a secret’

Google has admitted it made an error when it didn’t disclose that its Nest Secure home security system included an on-device microphone. In a statement given to Business Insider, a spokesperson from the company said, “The on-device microphone was never intended to be a secret and should have been listed in the tech specs. That was an error on our part.”
At the beginning of February, Google announced that it would be adding built-in Google Assistant support to the Nest Guard, which is the Nest Secure system’s hub and keypad. Before then, the security system’s product page didn’t mention that it included a microphone. In its statement, Google clarified that, “The microphone has never been on, and is only activated when users specifically...
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Google claims built-in Nest mic was ‘never intended to be a secret’

Google has admitted it made an error when it didn’t disclose that its Nest Secure home security system included an on-device microphone. In a statement given to Business Insider, a spokesperson from the company said, “The on-device microphone was never intended to be a secret and should have been listed in the tech specs. That was an error on our part.”
At the beginning of February, Google announced that it would be adding built-in Google Assistant support to the Nest Guard, which is the Nest Secure system’s hub and keypad. Before then, the security system’s product page didn’t mention that it included a microphone. In its statement, Google clarified that, “The microphone has never been on, and is only activated when users specifically...
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Xiaomi’s Mi 9 has three rear cameras and a familiar design

Following a few teases on social media over the past week, Xiaomi has today announced the Mi 9, the latest generation of its mainstream tentpole device. The Mi 9 (there’s no Mi 9 “Pro” at this time) looks very similar to last year’s Mi 8, but with a smaller notch cutout and a total of three rear cameras, up from the two found in the prior phone. The Mi 9 will be available in China first, before expanding to other regions Xiaomi sells phones in (which, before you ask, don’t include the US).
Aside from the usual bump in specs and new camera features, the big visual update for the Mi 9 is the iridescent finish on the back, which changes colors depending on how you look at it. This effect is most prominent on the “lavender violet” model,...
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Xiaomi’s Mi 9 has three rear cameras and a familiar design

Following a few teases on social media over the past week, Xiaomi has today announced the Mi 9, the latest generation of its mainstream tentpole device. The Mi 9 (there’s no Mi 9 “Pro” at this time) looks very similar to last year’s Mi 8, but with a smaller notch cutout and a total of three rear cameras, up from the two found in the prior phone. The Mi 9 will be available in China first, before expanding to other regions Xiaomi sells phones in (which, before you ask, don’t include the US).
Aside from the usual bump in specs and new camera features, the big visual update for the Mi 9 is the iridescent finish on the back, which changes colors depending on how you look at it. This effect is most prominent on the “lavender violet” model,...
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ব্যবস্থা চেয়ে ৪৫০ ছাত্রের বিক্ষোভ, দেশবিরোধী পোস্টের অভিযোগে রুরকির বেসরকারি শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের ৭ কাশ্মীরী পড়ুয়া সাসপেন্ড
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মথুরাপুরে গুলিবিদ্ধ তৃণমূলকর্মী, জীবনতলায় লরির ধাক্কায় বাইক আরোহীর মৃত্যু, সঙ্গে ২৩ জেলার আরও খবর, এক ঝলকে
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দক্ষিণ ২৪ পরগনার মথুরাপুরে রাস্তা তৈরি নিয়ে দুই গোষ্ঠীর সংঘর্ষ, গুলিবিদ্ধ এক তৃণমূলকর্মী
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পুলওয়ামা সন্ত্রাসের দায় নেওয়া জয়েশ প্রতিষ্ঠাতা মাসুদ আজহারকে নিষিদ্ধ করতে রাষ্ট্রপুঞ্জে প্রস্তাব আনছে, জানাল ফ্রান্স
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পুলওয়ামা হামলা: ইমরানের অভিযোগ অস্বীকার খারিজ করে পাকিস্তানকে সন্ত্রাসবাদের ‘নার্ভ সেন্টার’ বলল ভারত
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সন্ত্রাস মোকাবিলায় ভারতকে নিঃশর্ত সহযোগিতার প্রস্তাব, সাহায্য দেওয়ায় ‘কোনও সীমা টানবে না’, জানাল ইজরায়েল, পাকিস্তানের সঙ্গে তাঁদের কোনও কূটনৈতিক সম্পর্ক নেই, বললেন রাষ্ট্রদূত
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পুলওয়ামা: জঙ্গিদমন অভিযানে নেতৃত্ব দিতে ছুটি বাতিল করেন আহত ব্রিগেডিয়ার, জানালেন সেনাকর্তা
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ঘোষিত হল আইপিএলের প্রথম দুই সপ্তাহের ক্রীড়াসূচি, ২৪ মার্চ কলকাতা নাইট রাইডার্সের প্রথম ম্যাচ
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জঙ্গিহানায় নিহত ৭১ জওয়ানের নাম শরীরে ট্যাটু করে শ্রদ্ধা বিকানেরের যুবকের
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কর্মী ও পেনশনারদের মহার্ঘ ভাতা তিন শতাংশ বাড়াল কেন্দ্র
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দেখুন: রিভার্স সুইপে ছয়, অনুরাগীরা মুগ্ধ যুবরাজের শটে
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রোজ রোজ মার খাওয়ার চেয়ে বরং পাকিস্তানের সঙ্গে যুদ্ধ করা ভাল: রামদেব
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না পারলে বলুন, আমরা মাসুদ আজহারকে ধরব: ইমরানকে বললেন অমরিন্দর
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সন্ত্রাসবাদকে যারা ইন্ধন জোগায়, ক্রীড়াক্ষেত্রেও তাদের সঙ্গে সম্পর্কের অবনতি হয়, মন্তব্য রাজীব শুক্লর
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পুলওয়ামা ঘটনার প্রভাব পড়তে পারে বিশ্বকাপে ভারত-পাকিস্তান ম্যাচে, সমাধানসূত্র খুঁজে বার করতে ২৭ তারিখ দুবাইয়ে বৈঠক আইসিসি-র
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মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র থেকে ফ্রান্স, নিউজিল্যান্ড, ইজরায়েল, পুলওয়ামা হামলায় কড়া নিন্দা সকলের
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দেখুন: মহারাষ্ট্রের থানেতে হোটেলের বেসমেন্টে চিতাবাঘ
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পুলওয়ামা হামলায় আজ এফআইআর দায়ের এনআইএ- র
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ছাত্র সংসদ নির্বাচনের দাবিতে উত্তাল যাদবপুর, ধস্তাধস্তিতে জখম হয়ে হাসপাতালে ভর্তি উপাচার্য সুরঞ্জন দাস, আহত কয়েকজন পড়ুয়াও
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গুজব-সংক্রমণ: চোর সন্দেহে যুবককে গণপিটুনির অভিযোগ আনন্দপুরের চিনা মন্দির এলাকায়
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বেলঘরিয়ায় ব্যবসায়ীকে বুকে গুলি করে খুন
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পৃথিবীর দিকে ধেয়ে আসছে ৭৮ ফুটের গ্রহাণু, পোশাকি নাম টু জিরো ওয়ান নাইন, সি ওয়াই ওয়ান
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Vivo announces V15 Pro with no notch and 32-megapixel pop-up selfie camera

Vivo was one of the most head-turning companies in the smartphone space last year, delivering a series of devices with wild, experimental hardware. Now for Vivo’s first major launch of 2019 we have the V15 Pro, a new phone that sees high-end features trickle down to the mid-range mainstream from the company’s Nex flagships. It’s an unusual device without any direct competitors and a spec sheet that’s all over the place.
Lately Vivo’s V series has been a harbinger of screen design trends, with the V9 being one of the first Android phones with a notch and the V11 carrying what might still be the smallest notch yet. The V15, in turn, goes even further with a notchless 6.4-inch OLED display achieved by the reappearance of one of Vivo’s best...
from The Verge - All Posts
The Man in the High Castle will end with season 4, trailer reveals

I think I’ve come to a realization — most of my current favorite TV shows are only still favorites because I’m waiting for them to come to what seems like an inevitably gruesome end. I’m a deer in the headlights, hoping that in a world where death and dismay is around every corner, the Game of Thrones cast might actually find their final rest; the handmaids in The Handmaid’s Tale might permanently escape their torture and mutilation the only way that seems plausible; Westworld will see the robots triumph over humanity (yes I’m in that camp); and that Killing Eve might, well, it’s right there in the title.
That’s why I’m delighted to say that The Man in the High Castle will end after its fourth season, as you can see by watching this new...
from The Verge - All Posts
Citroën’s tiny EV concept will be the ugly duckling at the 2019 Geneva Motor Show

French automaker Citroën announced Tuesday that it will debut something called the AMI One concept at the Geneva Motor Show next month. While this particular car show is known for attracting wild concepts and record-melting supercars, the little all-electric two-seater won’t dazzle anyone with its specs: It has a top speed of 28 miles per hour and can only travel about 62 miles on a charge.
The point of the AMI One isn’t that it will be the only car you ever need, or even one you lust after. Rather, it’s supposed to bring the freedom of driving a car to those who might not currently have access. This happens in two ways. One, the car’s low-speed ceiling allows it to be driven in some countries without a driver’s license. Two, it should —...
from The Verge - All Posts
That uranium ore found at a Grand Canyon museum isn’t as scary as it sounds

Since the news broke that three buckets of uranium ore sat in a Grand Canyon museum for years, alarm has been spreading about the radiation “cover-up.” But it’s tough to figure out exactly how dangerous the uranium truly was to visitors and staff.
The buckets had been sitting next to a taxidermy exhibit at the National Park Service’s Grand Canyon Museum Collection, a location where groups of schoolchildren stopped on tours, according to The Arizona Republic. After a visitor with a Geiger counter discovered them, they were moved to a hallway, and eventually their contents were dumped in an old uranium mine, whistleblower Elston “Swede” Stephenson told The Arizona Republic. Stephenson did not reply to a message on LinkedIn; the museum told...
from The Verge - All Posts
Apple is once again selling its iPhone SE — for now

Last September, Apple officially stopped selling its iPhone X, iPhone SE, and iPhone 6S models, following the release of the iPhone XS and XR. MacRumors noticed that Apple quietly introduced the iPhone SE in its clearance section. Since then, each round of stock has sold out quickly, but if you’re lucky, you can find one now.
Update February 19th, 4:19PM ET: The iPhone SE is back in stock once again in the clearance section of Apple’s online store.
The 2016-era phone is available in 32GB and 128GB sizes, with $100 and $150 knocked off the price, respectively, in your pick of space gray, rose gold, gold, and silver colors. An unlocked iPhone that’s in brand-new condition for $250 is a good deal, even if the design might seem tired for...
from The Verge - All Posts
Why Foursquare refuses to sell user data

On the latest episode of The Vergecast, Foursquare CEO Jeff Glueck discusses the ethics of companies that track their users’ movements. The Verge editor-in-chief Nilay Patel and Glueck talk through Foursquare’s goal of helping its customers become less reliant on mapping companies like Google, and how responsibly managing a user’s data and privacy is not only the right thing to do, but good for business.
You can listen to their discussion about the case for breaking up Amazon and Facebook in its entirety on The Vergecast right now. Below is a lightly edited excerpt from the interview.
Nilay Patel: You collect a lot of data. So do you ever think you’re working across incentives? Are you working against your own self interest...
from The Verge - All Posts
Fortnite dance lawyer claims someone impersonated him to derail copyright lawsuits

A law firm claims that someone impersonated one of its attorneys in messages to the US Copyright Office, trying to sabotage lawsuits against Fortnite developer Epic Games. Pierce Bainbridge published a fake email supposedly sent under the name of attorney David Hecht, asking the office to reject all its copyright claims for dance moves — and confessing that “what my clients and I have done towards certain gaming companies were very wreckless [sic] and baseless.”
Hecht is the lead attorney for several people who claim Epic unlawfully copied their dances as Fortnite emotes, including rapper 2 Milly; The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air star Alfonso Ribeiro; and most recently, the rapper BlocBoy JB. As part of the legal process, Hecht’s applied to...
from The Verge - All Posts
Trump signs new directive calling on Space Force to be part of the Air Force

Today, President Trump signed his fourth space policy directive, this one aimed at creating the infamous Space Force he has been touting since last summer. However, the scope of the Space Force has been downsized. The new policy directive will make the Space Force a sixth branch within the US Air Force, rather than its own independent department.
Trump first directed the Department of Defense to establish the Space Force in June 2018 in a surprise announcement during a meeting of the National Space Council. At the time, he argued that the organization would be a new, sixth branch of the military. “We are going to have the Air Force and we’re going to have the Space Force, separate but equal,” Trump said at the time. “It is going to be...
from The Verge - All Posts
AT&T is already trying to sweep its 5G E lies under the rug

With all the nonsense about AT&T’s fake 5G Evolution network out there, it’s possible to forget that AT&T is actually building a real, standards-based 5G network, too. Fortunately, the cellular company has taken it upon itself to remind everyone about that in a new fact sheet that curiously forgets to mention its 5G Evolution network at all — almost like it isn’t a real 5G network!
The fact sheet itself is a decent (if slightly AT&T-biased) look at the carrier’s work in actual 5G development. And the information, like which cities it’s (theoretically) available in and what devices the company has announced, does seem genuinely useful. You can certainly quibble over some of the milestones — was AT&T really “the first to make mobile 5G a...
from The Verge - All Posts
Vivo announces V15 Pro with no notch and 32-megapixel pop-up selfie camera

Vivo was one of the most head-turning companies in the smartphone space last year, delivering a series of devices with wild, experimental hardware. Now for Vivo’s first major launch of 2019 we have the V15 Pro, a new phone that sees high-end features trickle down to the mid-range mainstream from the company’s Nex flagships. It’s an unusual device without any direct competitors and a spec sheet that’s all over the place.
Lately Vivo’s V series has been a harbinger of screen design trends, with the V9 being one of the first Android phones with a notch and the V11 carrying what might still be the smallest notch yet. The V15, in turn, goes even further with a notchless 6.4-inch OLED display achieved by the reappearance of one of Vivo’s best...
from The Verge - All Posts
The Man in the High Castle will end with season 4, trailer reveals

I think I’ve come to a realization — most of my current favorite TV shows are only still favorites because I’m waiting for them to come to what seems like an inevitably gruesome end. I’m a deer in the headlights, hoping that in a world where death and dismay is around every corner, the Game of Thrones cast might actually find their final rest; the handmaids in The Handmaid’s Tale might permanently escape their torture and mutilation the only way that seems plausible; Westworld will see the robots triumph over humanity (yes I’m in that camp); and that Killing Eve might, well, it’s right there in the title.
That’s why I’m delighted to say that The Man in the High Castle will end after its fourth season, as you can see by watching this new...
from The Verge - All Posts
Citroën’s tiny EV concept will be the ugly duckling at the 2019 Geneva Motor Show

French automaker Citroën announced Tuesday that it will debut something called the AMI One concept at the Geneva Motor Show next month. While this particular car show is known for attracting wild concepts and record-melting supercars, the little all-electric two-seater won’t dazzle anyone with its specs: It has a top speed of 28 miles per hour and can only travel about 62 miles on a charge.
The point of the AMI One isn’t that it will be the only car you ever need, or even one you lust after. Rather, it’s supposed to bring the freedom of driving a car to those who might not currently have access. This happens in two ways. One, the car’s low-speed ceiling allows it to be driven in some countries without a driver’s license. Two, it should —...
from The Verge - All Posts
That uranium ore found at a Grand Canyon museum isn’t as scary as it sounds

Since the news broke that three buckets of uranium ore sat in a Grand Canyon museum for years, alarm has been spreading about the radiation “cover-up.” But it’s tough to figure out exactly how dangerous the uranium truly was to visitors and staff.
The buckets had been sitting next to a taxidermy exhibit at the National Park Service’s Grand Canyon Museum Collection, a location where groups of schoolchildren stopped on tours, according to The Arizona Republic. After a visitor with a Geiger counter discovered them, they were moved to a hallway, and eventually their contents were dumped in an old uranium mine, whistleblower Elston “Swede” Stephenson told The Arizona Republic. Stephenson did not reply to a message on LinkedIn; the museum told...
from The Verge - All Posts
Apple is once again selling its iPhone SE — for now

Last September, Apple officially stopped selling its iPhone X, iPhone SE, and iPhone 6S models, following the release of the iPhone XS and XR. MacRumors noticed that Apple quietly introduced the iPhone SE in its clearance section. Since then, each round of stock has sold out quickly, but if you’re lucky, you can find one now.
Update February 19th, 4:19PM ET: The iPhone SE is back in stock once again in the clearance section of Apple’s online store.
The 2016-era phone is available in 32GB and 128GB sizes, with $100 and $150 knocked off the price, respectively, in your pick of space gray, rose gold, gold, and silver colors. An unlocked iPhone that’s in brand-new condition for $250 is a good deal, even if the design might seem tired for...
from The Verge - All Posts
Why Foursquare refuses to sell user data

On the latest episode of The Vergecast, Foursquare CEO Jeff Glueck discusses the ethics of companies that track their users’ movements. The Verge editor-in-chief Nilay Patel and Glueck talk through Foursquare’s goal of helping its customers become less reliant on mapping companies like Google, and how responsibly managing a user’s data and privacy is not only the right thing to do, but good for business.
You can listen to their discussion about the case for breaking up Amazon and Facebook in its entirety on The Vergecast right now. Below is a lightly edited excerpt from the interview.
Nilay Patel: You collect a lot of data. So do you ever think you’re working across incentives? Are you working against your own self interest...
from The Verge - All Posts
Fortnite dance lawyer claims someone impersonated him to derail copyright lawsuits

A law firm claims that someone impersonated one of its attorneys in messages to the US Copyright Office, trying to sabotage lawsuits against Fortnite developer Epic Games. Pierce Bainbridge published a fake email supposedly sent under the name of attorney David Hecht, asking the office to reject all its copyright claims for dance moves — and confessing that “what my clients and I have done towards certain gaming companies were very wreckless [sic] and baseless.”
Hecht is the lead attorney for several people who claim Epic unlawfully copied their dances as Fortnite emotes, including rapper 2 Milly; The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air star Alfonso Ribeiro; and most recently, the rapper BlocBoy JB. As part of the legal process, Hecht’s applied to...
from The Verge - All Posts
Trump signs new directive calling on Space Force to be part of the Air Force

Today, President Trump signed his fourth space policy directive, this one aimed at creating the infamous Space Force he has been touting since last summer. However, the scope of the Space Force has been downsized. The new policy directive will make the Space Force a sixth branch within the US Air Force, rather than its own independent department.
Trump first directed the Department of Defense to establish the Space Force in June 2018 in a surprise announcement during a meeting of the National Space Council. At the time, he argued that the organization would be a new, sixth branch of the military. “We are going to have the Air Force and we’re going to have the Space Force, separate but equal,” Trump said at the time. “It is going to be...
from The Verge - All Posts
AT&T is already trying to sweep its 5G E lies under the rug

With all the nonsense about AT&T’s fake 5G Evolution network out there, it’s possible to forget that AT&T is actually building a real, standards-based 5G network, too. Fortunately, the cellular company has taken it upon itself to remind everyone about that in a new fact sheet that curiously forgets to mention its 5G Evolution network at all — almost like it isn’t a real 5G network!
The fact sheet itself is a decent (if slightly AT&T-biased) look at the carrier’s work in actual 5G development. And the information, like which cities it’s (theoretically) available in and what devices the company has announced, does seem genuinely useful. You can certainly quibble over some of the milestones — was AT&T really “the first to make mobile 5G a...
from The Verge - All Posts
Not Heard Anything on Players Workload but Managing Won't be a Problem: KKR

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Captain Marvel Opens With A Very Touching Stan Lee Tribute
Though it’s been roughly three months since Stan Lee’s unfortunate passing, comic book fans around the world are still shaken by the loss of a true legend. Not only was he responsible for characters such as the X-Men, Iron Man, Hulk, Spider-Man and countless others, but he also made a number of cameos in Marvel movies and even continued making convention appearances well into his twilight years. Suffice it to say, he was always a man of the people.
And though he does have one more cameo appearance to look forward to in the upcoming Avengers: Endgame, we’re still unsure of whether or not he filmed anything for Captain Marvel, as there’ve been conflicting reports on the matter ever since his death. Even if he didn’t get the chance to shoot something though, we can now confirm that the movie will still acknowledge him as apparently, it opens with a very touching tribute to the iconic comic book creator.

At least, that’s according to one user over on Twitter who caught an early press screening tonight, and though they refrained from going into any further details, it’s nice to know that CM pays tribute to Stan Lee in some way. Not to mention that the individual also claims that Marvel fans will love the tribute – whatever it might be.
While Stan Lee is now no longer with us, his legacy will surely continue to live on for years to come through his work in the comic book medium. And though he’ll always be missed, it’s clear that the House of Ideas has no intention of letting his memory fade away, as the tributes continue to surface across various mediums. Again, it’s unclear if he has an actual cameo in Captain Marvel like he does in Endgame, but with the film arriving in just a few short weeks, we’ll know soon enough.
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