ইউপিএ সরকার সন্ত্রাসবাদ রুখতে কোনও ব্যবস্থা নেয়নি, ঝাড়খণ্ডের জনসভায় দাবি মোদির
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৩২-এ পা, বরুণের জন্মদিনে শুভেচ্ছা অর্জুন, আলিয়া, সিদ্ধার্থ, সোনাক্ষী, ক্যাটরিনা, কৃতীর
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বিজেপির মতোই রাজনৈতিক প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বীদের ভয় দেখায় কংগ্রেস, অহঙ্কারও খুব, কটাক্ষ অখিলেশের
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নিজেদের ব্যর্থতা আড়াল করতেই ইভিএম-এর উপর রাগ দেখাচ্ছে বিরোধীরা, কটাক্ষ মোদির
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হুগলির খানাকুলে বিজেপি প্রার্থীর গাড়ি ভাঙচুরের অভিযোগ, প্রতিবাদে রাস্তা অবরোধ বিজেপি কর্মীদের
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OPPO A5s vs Vivo Y91 vs Samsung Galaxy J6 Comparison: The best phone for budget buyers?

OPPO A-series phones aim to offer the latest trends and high-performance hardware to consumers looking to buy affordable phones. The just-launched OPPO A5s abides by the same philosophy and will primarily compete against Vivo’s Y91 and Samsung’s Galaxy J6 that are other popular offline options that fall in the same price bracket. So, which one […]
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পাকিস্তানকে কী করেছেন, মোদির ‘নিজের ঢাক পেটানো’ শুনতে শুনতে ক্লান্ত, নোট বাতিল, জিএসটি, ক্ষুদ্র ও মাঝারি শিল্প নিয়ে বলুন! ট্যুইট চিদম্বরমের
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মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের উচিত কর্মীদের গুন্ডামি করতে নিষেধ করা, প্রচারে বেরিয়ে বললেন বিকাশরঞ্জন ভট্টাচার্য
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মমতা আমাকে প্রতিবছর নিজে পছন্দ করে কুর্তা, মিষ্টি পাঠান, বললেন মোদি, মিষ্টি খাওয়াই, উপহারও দিই, কিন্তু একটি ভোটও পাবে না, খোঁচা মমতার
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বীরভূমের সিউড়িতে প্রশাসনিক দফতরে নির্বাচন কমিশনের বিশেষ পর্যবেক্ষক অজয় নায়েক, রাজনৈতিক দলগুলোর সঙ্গে বৈঠক
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Samsung prepares $116 billion war chest for mobile chips fight

Samsung has announced a 10-year, $116 billion plan to take over the lead as the world’s foremost processor maker by 2030, as reported by Bloomberg today. The Korean chaebol already enjoys the premier position when it comes to selling mobile memory chips, and Bloomberg notes that its semiconductor division accounted for three quarters of its 2018 operating income. Which is to say that, as much as we focus on Samsung’s consumer products like the Galaxy S10 and flop-of-the-year candidate Galaxy Fold, the company’s money is made chiefly by building the internal chips that feed and power consumer electronics. Even Apple has little choice but to use Samsung’s displays and memory.
What Samsung is looking to do now is to compete with the likes...
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Samsung prepares $116 billion war chest for mobile chips fight

Samsung has announced a 10-year, $116 billion plan to take over the lead as the world’s foremost processor maker by 2030, as reported by Bloomberg today. The Korean chaebol already enjoys the premier position when it comes to selling mobile memory chips, and Bloomberg notes that its semiconductor division accounted for three quarters of its 2018 operating income. Which is to say that, as much as we focus on Samsung’s consumer products like the Galaxy S10 and flop-of-the-year candidate Galaxy Fold, the company’s money is made chiefly by building the internal chips that feed and power consumer electronics. Even Apple has little choice but to use Samsung’s displays and memory.
What Samsung is looking to do now is to compete with the likes...
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The leader of the Time Well Spent movement has a new crusade

Tristan Harris’ first big idea for the tech industry, the Time Well Spent movement, was an outsized success. Today, he unveiled the sequel — a kind of unified theory of how tech platforms are undermining humanity. His idea, which he calls “downgrading,” attempts to explain everything from smartphone addiction to political polarization. Is his diagnosis correct? And, if so, what’s the solution?
First, some relevant context. Six years ago, Harris was a product manager at Google who published a presentation for his fellow employees to read. Observing how often Google services compelled people to check their email and smartphone notifications, Harris called on his fellow employees to build systems that gave people time back. “Change like...
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সম্পত্তি ১৪৭ কোটি, দিল্লির সবথেকে ধনী ভোট প্রার্থী গৌতম গম্ভীর
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আশা করি আপনার পারিবারিক জীবন শান্তির, অক্ষয়কে মোদি, প্রধানমন্ত্রী আমার কাজে নজর রাখেন দেখে ভাল লাগছে, জবাব টুইঙ্কলের
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মহম্মদ সেলিমকে নিয়ে প্রচারে বিকাশরঞ্জন, সিউড়িতে অজয় নায়েক, জায়গা ভরানো খবর নয়, বাছাই করা সেরা খবর, সবার জন্য সব খবর, ফটাফট
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মালদায় ঈশা খানকে ঘিরে বিক্ষোভ, কুমারগঞ্জে পুলিশকে ধমক তৃণমূলের প্রাক্তন বিধায়কের, সঙ্গে ২৩ জেলার আরও খবর, এক ঝলকে
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বীরভূমে শতাব্দীর সমর্থনে আগ্নেয়াস্ত্র নিয়ে মিছিল, ওটি ছিল খেলনা পিস্তল, দাবি তৃণমূল নেতার
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ঘণ্টাখানেক সঙ্গে সুমন (২৩০৪১৯): ভোট হিংসায় ঝরল প্রাণ। ভগবানগোলায় সংঘর্ষে মৃত্যু কংগ্রেস কর্মীর। ৫ কেন্দ্র থেকেই অশান্তির খবর। বাহিনীর বিরুদ্ধে পক্ষপাতিত্বের অভিযোগ তৃণমূলের
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The leader of the Time Well Spent movement has a new crusade

Tristan Harris’ first big idea for the tech industry, the Time Well Spent movement, was an outsized success. Today, he unveiled the sequel — a kind of unified theory of how tech platforms are undermining humanity. His idea, which he calls “downgrading,” attempts to explain everything from smartphone addiction to political polarization. Is his diagnosis correct? And, if so, what’s the solution?
First, some relevant context. Six years ago, Harris was a product manager at Google who published a presentation for his fellow employees to read. Observing how often Google services compelled people to check their email and smartphone notifications, Harris called on his fellow employees to build systems that gave people time back. “Change like...
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রোহিত শেখর তিওয়ারি খুনে স্ত্রী অপূর্বাকে গ্রেফতার করল দিল্লি পুলিশ, তদন্তে সিবিআই
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বাইক রাখা নিয়ে হাওড়া আদালতের আইনজীবীদের সঙ্গে হাওড়া পুরসভার নিরাপত্তারক্ষীদের সংঘর্ষ, ইটবৃষ্টি, পরিস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রণে র্যাফ
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রতুয়ার ভগবানপুরে তৃণমূলের উপর হামলার অভিযোগ কংগ্রেসের বিরুদ্ধে, ৭ তৃণমূল কর্মী জখম
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'পর্নস্টারদের অবসরের পর নিশ্চিন্ত ঠিকানা বলিউড'-ট্রোলের জবাবে কী বললেন সানি, শুনুন!
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কলকাতা বিমানবন্দরে জেট এয়ারওয়েজের কর্মীদের মৌন মিছিল, উড়ান পরিষেবা চালু করার দাবি
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খরা সত্ত্বেও বান্দায় মোদিকে স্বাগত জানাতে পানীয় জল ঢেলে রাস্তা সাফাই! উনি চৌকিদার না দিল্লির শাহেনসা! কটাক্ষ প্রিয়ঙ্কার
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iFixit’s Galaxy Fold teardown reveals its biggest design flaw

Though it’s not technically the first time we’ve seen the innards of the now-delayed Samsung Galaxy Fold, iFixit’s teardown of the folding device is absolutely the most informed and detailed we’ve seen. Following up on its post speculating on the possible causes of the various screen breakages we’ve seen on review units, iFixit’s teardown analysis seems to reveal a fundamental design tradeoff Samsung had to make — one that may have doomed the phone.
It seems as though Samsung focused quite a bit on ensuring the mechanics of the hinge would be a sturdy and dependable mechanism for folding and unfolding a screen. Yet for whatever reason, the Galaxy Fold does not have enough protection against the ingress of debris. And because that screen...
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iFixit’s Galaxy Fold teardown reveals its biggest design flaw

Though it’s not technically the first time we’ve seen the innards of the now-delayed Samsung Galaxy Fold, iFixit’s teardown of the folding device is absolutely the most informed and detailed we’ve seen. Following up on its post speculating on the possible causes of the various screen breakages we’ve seen on review units, iFixit’s teardown analysis seems to reveal a fundamental design tradeoff Samsung had to make — one that may have doomed the phone.
It seems as though Samsung focused quite a bit on ensuring the mechanics of the hinge would be a sturdy and dependable mechanism for folding and unfolding a screen. Yet for whatever reason, the Galaxy Fold does not have enough protection against the ingress of debris. And because that screen...
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‘আমি নরেন্দ্র মোদি নই’! বায়োপিক-বিতর্কে টুইটারে ক্ষোভ উগরে হুঁশিয়ারি মমতার
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অবিশ্বাস্য গুগলিতে রায়নাকে বোকা বানালেন রশিদ, দেখুন সেই ভিডিও
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তিনবেলা প্রচার করছি, আমি রক্ত-মাংসের মানুষ, সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ায় আক্রমণে খারাপ তো লাগেই, মন্তব্য মিমি চক্রবর্তীর
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সামনেই বিশ্বকাপ, চোট নিয়ে যত্নশীল মহেন্দ্র সিংহ ধোনি
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“ওবামা এখনও জিগ্যেস করেন, ঘুমের পরিমাণটা বাড়িয়েছেন তো!”, অক্ষয় কুমারের সঙ্গে খোলামেলা মোদি
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প্রধানমন্ত্রীকে কখনও চা বিক্রি করতে দেখিনি, পথসভা থেকে মোদিকে কটাক্ষ অভিষেকের
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বারুইপুরের শিখরবালি এলাকায় প্রচার মিমির, মহম্মদ সেলিমকে নিয়ে নেতাজিনগর এলাকায় প্রচারে বিকাশরঞ্জন
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পথসভা থেকে প্রধানমন্ত্রীকে আক্রমণ মোদির -- ‘হেডলাইন্স ফটাফট’
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প্রধানমন্ত্রীর সঙ্গে অরাজনৈতিক আলাপচারিতায় অক্ষয় কুমার, অথচ সেই সাক্ষাৎকারেই নাম না করে গাঁধী পরিবারকে বিঁধলেন মোদি
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Redmi Y3 debuts in India with 32MP selfie, 4000mAh battery and Snapdragon 632

Xiaomi India has launched the Redmi 7 alongside the premiere of brand new Redmi Y3 today. Redmi Y3 targets the Generation Y with its 32MP Super Selfie camera, gradient finish, 4000mAh battery, dot drop notch amongst other things. Switching to the Redmi 7, which lands in India a short while after its home debut last […]
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How to enable Google Chrome’s new dark mode on Windows 10

Chrome 74 is officially rolling out today for Windows, Mac, and Linux, marking the introduction of a new dark mode for Windows 10 users. The same dark mode arrived last month on macOS with Chrome 73, and today’s update includes automatic Windows 10 support. Chrome will automatically theme itself to match if a dark mode is enabled on Windows 10. The end result makes Chrome look almost identical to the browser’s darker Incognito Mode menu bars.
While Google is enabling this new dark mode on Windows, the company hasn’t fully switched it on for all Chrome users just yet. “I can confirm that we are rolling out this feature to a small number of Chrome M74 users now, and that it will become more widely available in the near future,” explains a...
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How to enable Google Chrome’s new dark mode on Windows 10

Chrome 74 is officially rolling out today for Windows, Mac, and Linux, marking the introduction of a new dark mode for Windows 10 users. The same dark mode arrived last month on macOS with Chrome 73, and today’s update includes automatic Windows 10 support. Chrome will automatically theme itself to match if a dark mode is enabled on Windows 10. The end result makes Chrome look almost identical to the browser’s darker Incognito Mode menu bars.
While Google is enabling this new dark mode on Windows, the company hasn’t fully switched it on for all Chrome users just yet. “I can confirm that we are rolling out this feature to a small number of Chrome M74 users now, and that it will become more widely available in the near future,” explains a...
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Avengers: Endgame Review
Since the release of Infinity War, the yearlong hysteria building up to Avengers: Endgame has been a cinematic event in and of itself. Ten years in the making, the meticulous crafting and corralling of legends old and new from across what we’ve since learned to refer to as “the Infinity Saga” of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has all led to this point. If anything, Endgame will be considered a standout milestone in commercialization. But don’t worry, Marvel fans, you’ll find several other reasons beyond the swelling of the company’s wallet to reach the same conclusion.
The scale of Avengers: Endgame reaches far past that of any other superhero film to date, and probably past any we’ll be seeing anytime soon. It’s obvious that the three-hour galactic epic understands this, and also that it knows its roots, as well as its function. Playing out at many points like a fanfare in nostalgia, Endgame realizes it’s closing one chapter of a bestselling book, looking too often into the past and not enough towards the future.
But that’s the thing about a bestselling book: people like it. And fans, ten years strong, will rejoice as the movie pays tribute to their favorite characters, and maybe even their favorite moments. But more on that later.
The story – the major details of which I’m going to keep a secret (mostly out of courtesy, but also out of an instinctual fear of the deep catacombs of internet fandoms I occasionally find myself in) – has been the subject of constant debate ever since Marvel showed exactly what was at stake in Infinity War last year, proving at the same time that they had a lot more gall than at least I gave them credit for. As if it were even possible, the decimation of an entire roster of front stage superheroes made the MCU an even hotter commodity, and ever since, even the tiniest hint of a whisper about the latest film has been ravaged, dissected and probed for answers.
Unfortunately for last year’s commendably dismal conclusion, the business of marketing and promotion quickly twisted the question of resurrection from if to how (that’s hardly a spoiler – no one has been shy talking about Spider-Man: Far From Home, and yes, Jake Gyllenhaal looks awesome). However, the Russo Brothers have spiced their film with enough doses of unpredictability that their story progresses with a sense of welcomed uneasiness. Don’t think for a moment that you got this one pegged down, because you don’t. There are tons of twists and turns.
While there are several reasons that may be a good thing – none of which I’m really allowed to discuss – another reason may be that there’s a hell of a lot going on here. Again, I must prevent myself from getting too deep into it (I don’t want the Mickey Mouse club to come after me), but Endgame introduces a new science into Marvel’s already cluttered laboratory that leads the film’s second act. The result is plenty of callbacks, reenactments and “oh, I remember that” moments. Though there was admittedly one face I was very happy and very surprised to see again, the coincidences ran out of steam eventually, becoming as predictable as a sunset and feeling more uninspired than anything else.
But that vibe seems less problematic once you remember that the Avengers themselves are pretty uninspired at this point as well. Those stakes, just as they did for Infinity War, serve Endgame very well, creating an arena of solemnity for the action to take place. The process of counterattacking Thanos (Josh Brolin) isn’t bogged down by competing egos and quick wits anymore. They’ve all lost, each and every one of them. And they know that.
That fact affects each hero differently. All I’ll say, and probably all I’m allowed to say is that Thor (Chris Hemsworth, channeling his inner Dude) really doesn’t take it well. And though some comedy is found in these coping processes – Endgame stands alongside the rest of the MCU films for its rather remarkable tendency to combine solid punches with solid punch lines – the collective lost felt between them feels like a more effective call for camaraderie and collaboration than even the franchise’s infamous “assemble” motto.

Their newfound maturity also lends to the film’s darker tone. There’s blood here, and there’s murder here, and much of it comes from the return of a vengeful Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), whose post-snap life can be simplified down to one line: “don’t give me hope.”
Hawkeye may be the one who says it, but that mentality can be traced across all of the Avengers: Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), and even the usually charismatic motivator, Captain America (Chris Evans), among others. The weight of their defeat is so catastrophic that the first plan of retaliation is met with more skepticism than anything else.
But that again can be attributed to the risk the Russos took last year, though with the many payoffs and full circles we get in Endgame, who knows how long that snap has been tucked underneath Marvel’s sleeve? Nevertheless, the Russos command this movie like they’d also been at the head of the last 21 films, reminding everyone in the audience just how well they know – and admire – these characters.
Like its predecessor, the latest Avengers effort struggles to give each of its heroes equal and ample screen time, even with its extended runtime. It’s a nearly impossible task, but one worth mentioning, as side characters like Rocket Raccoon (Bradley Cooper) and War Machine (Don Cheadle) get a lot of time in the limelight, but don’t really do anything new.
However, it’s important to remember what Avengers: Endgame is above all else: an homage. An end of a saga. A thank you. Thanos’ method of destruction may be unbiased and impartial in his eyes, but it certainly wasn’t for the filmmakers. Endgame is the superhero equivalent to an original cast revival in a long-running Broadway show, and often has the same hair-raising effect. The door is now open for whoever’s coming next, and we can’t wait to see where things go from here.
from Movies – We Got This Covered
There’s A Secret Easter Egg After The Avengers: Endgame Credits
With just a few days to go now until Avengers: Endgame hits theaters, Fandango has surveyed its users on their regular MCU viewing habits, and as it turns out, the vast majority of people opt to remain in their seats when the credits start to roll.
In a poll of moviegoers who plan to catch the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War sequel, 97% said that they often stick around for the post-credits scenes of each MCU flick. 79%, meanwhile, said they’re surprised when other people leave the theater before the credits have finished.
And though these numbers do make sense given Marvel’s history for including fun little teases in their post-credits scenes, it’s been confirmed that in a rather surprising move, the studio chose not to include any additional footage in Endgame. That is to say, there is no post-credits sequence and once those credits begin to roll, that’s it. The movie’s over.
However, we still do suggest you stay in your seat as while there’s nothing in the way of a bonus scene, we do get a fun little easter egg instead. You see, once the credits have completed and the Marvel logo comes up on screen, we hear the familiar sound of a hammer clanking on metal, which should be instantly recognizable to MCU fans as it’s pulled straight from the original Iron Man.

Sure, it’s not quite as exciting as a proper post-credits scene, but this is still a welcome nod to the film that started it all and a nice way of sort of bringing things full circle. Besides, given how heavy and emotional Avengers: Endgame is, we imagine most people will be staying in their seats for a while after it ends anyways as they digest everything they just saw and process it all.
We won’t dive into spoilers, but let’s just say that the final 20 minutes or so throw a lot at the audience and it’s going to take some time for fans to properly get to grips with everything they just saw. So, with that in mind, why not sit back, relax and soak it all in as the credits roll, while you patiently wait for that final nod to the hero who gave birth to this wonderful franchise?
from Movies – We Got This Covered