meta content='PcpJKOmoday5SZ2ES5Jk' name='bulletprofit'/> Zack Snyder Calls Ben Affleck The Best Batman Ever


Zack Snyder Calls Ben Affleck The Best Batman Ever

When it was first announced that Ben Affleck would be the official Batman of the DCEU, the decision was met with a fair amount of backlash from those who felt that the Argo star couldn’t cut it as the Caped Crusader. Once 2016’s Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice arrived in theaters, however, even filmgoers who didn’t care for the movie could usually concede that Affleck was well-cast.

In fact, once the old rumors of Affleck’s departure from the role were officially confirmed, social media quickly flooded with tributes from fans, many of whom went as far as to name the Justice League star the best version of the Dark Knight ever to grace the screen. As it turns out, director Zack Snyder feels much the same way, with the Dawn of Justice helmsman taking to Vero earlier this week with a post that pays tribute to Affleck’s run in the role, while declaring the actor the “Best Batman ever.”

Seeing how Snyder was at the helm for both of Affleck’s DCEU outings, it goes without saying that he’s kind of a biased source on the matter, but still, it’s nice to see that the director of the upcoming Army of the Dead still has plenty of affection for his own Bruce Wayne.

Of course, now that Affleck’s out of the game, fans are free to speculate on who his replacement could be in Matt Reeves’ The Batman. The name Armie Hammer, for instance, has been thrown around a lot lately, but while a recent report caused quite a stir with its claim that the Call Me by Your Name star was in final talks for the role, the actor himself has since denied even discussing the project. Regardless, we’ll see how the next Caped Crusader stacks up against his predecessors when The Batman hits theaters on June 25th, 2021.

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